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Lecount asked, 'Was there no postmark on the envelope? "Norah said, 'Yes; Allonby. "'Allonby is better than nothing, said Mrs. Lecount. 'Allonby may help you to trace her. Where is Allonby? "Norah told her. It all passed in a minute. I had been too much confused and startled to interfere before, but I composed myself sufficiently to interfere now.

Evidently, if he had been going to look into the case, Allonby would have been heard from before now.... And that mocking invitation to supper showed clearly enough how little the story had impressed him! Granice was overcome by the futility of any farther attempt to inculpate himself. He was chained to life a "prisoner of consciousness." Where was it he had read the phrase?

For the child in the house was not a ghost, and his life is the one of which I am about to tell you. He was known by the name of 'the Child' by his relations, but his nurse called him Master Bobby. He would say if he were asked himself: 'My name is Robert Stuart Allonby. And he would raise a pair of wonderful brown eyes as he spoke, in anxious doubt as to whether his name would be liked.

Allonby was close by with Bobby; in an instant he had dashed forwards, and after a breathless minute or two to Bobby, and before others had hardly taken in what was happening, he had dragged the boy safely up again. But, to Bobby's horror, as his father was coming back, the ice gave way in a fresh place under his feet, and he disappeared. The child raised an agonising cry. 'Father's drowing!

She did so with a sign toward those lordly beings. "Believe me," said Mr. Erwyn, "'tis what I have long wished for. And when Miss Allonby honors me with her attention I shall, since my life's happiness depends upon the issue, plead with all the eloquence of a starveling barrister, big with the import of his first case.

'Did you see him, dad? she was asking eagerly. 'Did you see your own little boy? And what was he like? Do tell me. Mr. Allonby dropped into his seat with a heavy sigh. 'Not a bit like his mother, True. Very like what I was at his age, I'm afraid. 'I belongs to you, father. Bobby could keep silence no longer. Decision and some reproach was in his tone.

His letter took him a long time to write, and True helped him a great deal. Mrs. Allonby sent it as it was, with all the imperfections of spelling and many a blot and erasure; but she added a little note herself, as Bobby's left much to be explained. 'Me and Nobbles is kite wel, so is True. Father came at last. He tuked me in a motor home. I have a knew mother. She is very nice.

"I'm sick and tired of hearing about Rhoda Allonby," cried Anne most unjustly, for Gilbert had never mentioned Mrs. Allonby's name since the day he had told Anne of his success in regard to her. And he could not be blamed for other people's discussion of it. Gilbert felt rather hurt.

For the purpose of my tale you are to view him as Tunbridge did at this particular time: as a handsome and formal person, twenty-eight years old or thereabouts, of whom nobody knew anything quite definite beyond the genealogic inference to be drawn from a smatch of the brogue save that after a correspondence of gallantries, of some three weeks' duration, he was the manifest slave of Miss Dorothy Allonby, and had already fought three duels behind Ormerod House, with Will Pratchet, Lord Humphrey Degge, and Sir Eugene Harrabie, respectively, each one of whom was a declared suitor for her hand.

Gude day to ye; I wuss ye weel. So saying, he pushed oil in order to land his cargo on the opposite side of the bay; and Brown, with a small bundle in his hand, containing the trifling stock of necessaries which he had been obliged to purchase at Allonby, was left on the rocks beneath the ruin.