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But they're allays so pig-headed, is folk fra' a distance.

Poyser, "an' it's poor work allays settin' the dead above the livin'. We shall all on us be dead some time, I reckon it 'ud be better if folks 'ud make much on us beforehand, i'stid o' beginnin' when we're gone. It's but little good you'll do a-watering the last year's crop." "Well, Adam," said Mr.

"Her'n?" echoed Adam. "Iss, o' Eve's. And he's allays a-showin' of it off, he is; and when they axes un questions he doan't answer, but he dangles the sale afront of 'em and says, 'What d'ee think? he says; and now he makes his brag that he shall hab the maid yet, while her man's a-dancin' gallus-high a top o' Tyburn tree."

"So you shall," said Frank. "Neb, is she ready?" "Yessuh; all saddled, sur, an' bridled." "Oh, let me bring her out," cried Madge. "I'd love to." "Lawsy, honey," said the negro, "you couldn't bring her out. She's dat fretful an' dat nervous dat she'd kill yo', suah." "Get out, Neb!" Madge cried, scornfully. "I ain't afeard of her. Wild things allays has made friends with me.

"It wasn't the widow who saw him, I think?" "Faix, it was the widow thin, with her own eyes. I hardly know'd him. And yet I did know him, for I'd seen him once travelling from Ballinasloe with Pat Carroll. And Lax is a man as when you've once seen him you've seen him for allays. But she knowed him well. Her husband was one of the boys when the Fenians were up.

She was assigned the best room in the small abode, and one of the first things she did was to write a letter to Paul asking him to repair to Rose Cottage to witness the marriage of Deborah and Bart. The handmaiden thought this was necessary, so that she could make full use of her intended husband. "If he wasn't here allays," said the bride-elect, "he'd be gadding about idling. I know him.

"Ay, ay, Gritty," said the miller, with a new softness in his tone; "but I've allays done what I could for you," he added, as if vindicating himself from a reproach. "I'm not denying that, brother, and I'm noways ungrateful," said poor Mrs. Moss, too fagged by toil and children to have strength left for any pride. "But here's the father. What a while you've been, Moss!"

That's allays been ther greatest mystery in these parts." "You haven't forgotten the robbery soon afterward of the Soldier Butte post office and the disappearance of the registered mail pouch that came in on the train at two o'clock in the morning. It was thrown into the inner office by the carrier, and the office securely locked.

"She's allays suckin', sly-like, tryin' to purtend as it's water, as if the smell didn't give it away, whatever the color may be. An' here she is, idling as usual. An' may I arsk, Mrs. Purr ma'am," demanded Deborah with great politeness, "wot I pays you fur in the way of ironin'?" But Mrs. Purr was too excited to reply.

Why your neighbors here testify to the fact that you were making a great deal of noise so much that they could not sleep." Mrs. Hilles is the daughter of the late Thomas Bayard, formerly America's ambassador to Great Britain, and Secretary of State in President Cleveland's cabinet. LOTTIE: "I tells yo' honor' we wuz jes singin' lak we allays doJUDGE : "What were you singing?"