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Updated: August 25, 2024

Confesses having concealed the parcel in his trousers-pocket, and to have denied that he had anything upon him.... ACTUM UT SUPRA." "Next day, September 26th, Menzel re-examined; answers in effect following: "Before leaving Dresden for Poland, last Year , he, Menzel, had returned the said key to Plessmann; who gave him others for use here.

"Many seek to abolish the chastisement of heresy," said he; "if they gain this point, actum est de religione Catholica; for as most of the people are ignorant fools, the heretics will soon be the great majority, if by fear of punishment they are not kept in the true path." The uneasiness, the terror, the wrath of the people seemed rapidly culminating to a crisis.

To hold fast where a steel chain snaps And leave the grand white neck no gash. "'Don't understand a word of it," said Stalky. "More fool you! Construe," said McTurk. "Those six bargees scragged the Czar, and left no evidence. Actum est with King."

* . . . . Et corpus igitur perfectum per animam proportionabiliter animæ, immune erit ab omni malo, et quantum ad actum, et quantum ad potentiam: quantum ad actum quidem, quia nulla erit in eis corruptio, nulla deformitas, nullus defectus: quantum ad potentiam vero quia non poterunt aliquid pati quod sit eis molestum, et propter hoc impassibilia erunt; quæ tamen impassibilitas non excludit ab eis passionem quæ est de ratione sensus; utentor enim sensibus ad delectationem secundum illa quæ statui incorruptionis non repugnant.

But here, again, as the lawyers say, "locus regit actum." That which the English girl feels, under such circumstances, so naturally, that she deems it an inseparable part of her nature that she should so feel, she feels because of the teaching of the whole social atmosphere in which she has lived.

For God's sake, aim at perfection in everything: 'Nil actum reputans si quid superesset agendum. Adieu. Yours most tenderly. LONDON, March 19, O. S. 1750. MY DEAR FRIEND: I acknowledge your last letter of the 24th February, N. S. In return for your earthquake, I can tell you that we have had here more than our share of earthquakes; for we had two very strong ones in eight-and-twenty days.

Even if the wind sprang up again there was small likelihood of escape. One or other of the pursuing vessels would almost certainly overhaul him, and hold him until the others came up. "'Tis a 'tarnal fix," he said. "Methinks 'tis a case of actum est de nobis," remarked Diggle pleasantly. "Confound you!" said the captain with a burst of anger.

For God's sake, aim at perfection in everything: 'Nil actum reputans si quid superesset agendum. Adieu. Yours most tenderly. LONDON, March 19, O. S. 1750. MY DEAR FRIEND: I acknowledge your last letter of the 24th February, N. S. In return for your earthquake, I can tell you that we have had here more than our share of earthquakes; for we had two very strong ones in eight-and-twenty days.

The contract is "Actum in civitate suana." We here see the words territorium and civitas both applied to the territory of Chiusi, and the words judiciaria and civitas both applied to the territory of Siena, and we only need to remember that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other, to recognize the identity of the terms.

Had returned, i.e. prior to entering the port; the action of redierat, was prior to that of tenuit. Hence plup. Proximo, nearest, sc. to the scene of Agricola's operations, i.e. the whole northern coast from the Forth to the Clyde and back again. XXXIX. Actum. Al. auctum, a conjecture of Lipsius. Actum==treated of, reported. Moris erat. Falsum triumphum. Caligula had done the same before him.

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