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"Scared, ay, to be sure I am; and so would you be scared too, if you'd a see'd what I did. May I never touch the point at Portsmouth, if I a'n't seen her ghost." "Where? whose ghost? what ghost? what do you mean, Jack?" exclaimed several of the startled men in the same breath, while the superstitious dread so common to mariners drew them still closer in the group that encircled their companion.

I'm a tailor now, but I'm a gentleman's son: as good a man, ay, as his lordship there: for YOU a'n't his lordship you're the Popish priest you are; and we were very near giving you a touch of a few Protestant stones, master." The Count began to be a little amused: he was pleased to see the Abbe look alarmed, or even foolish. "Egad, Abbe," said he, "you turn as white as a sheet."

It was something quite different he had come for, and old Sophy answered very briefly for her aches and ails. "Old folks' bones a'n't like young folks'," she said. "It's the Lord's doin's, 'n' 't a'n't much matter. I sha'n' be long roan' this kitchen. It's the young Missis, Doctor, it 's our Elsie, it 's the baby, as we use' t' call her, don' you remember, Doctor?

Stephen replied that he had. But Mammy showed no inclination to go, and he was too polite to shut the door: "How you like Glencoe, Mistah Bride?" He was charmed with it. "We has some of de fust fam'lies out heah in de summer," said she. "But de Colonel, he a'n't much on a gran' place laik in Kaintuck. Shucks, no, suh, dis ain't much of a 'stablishment!

Rowland's heart good to see. It tumbled down Miss Morgiana's back, and it tumbled over her shoulders, it tumbled over the chair on which she sat, and from the midst of it her jolly bright-eyed rosy face beamed out with a triumphant smile, which said, "A'n't I now the most angelic being you ever saw?" "By Heaven! it's the most beautiful thing I ever saw!" cried Mr.

"Well, that a'n't nothin' to hender. I'll jest fetch out them old boards out of the wood-shed, and knock up a little sty right off, daown by the end o' the shed, and you ken keep your swill that I've hed before, and it'll come handy." "But pigs are so dirty!"

We'd show 'em the thunder of the Palmetto, that they'd never trouble our sovereignty again. Captain, I pledge you my honor that if there wasn't so many infernal Yankees in Georgia, and she'd follow our lead in secession, we'd just lick the whole North. Georgia's a big State, but she a'n't pluck, and has no chivalry at all among her people.

Marshall and the rest only saw his heels. I'm going on to Toronto to see how he does there. Keep your eyes peeled, when you come through Kentucky. There's more of the same stock there, only waiting for somebody to say, 'Leg it! and they'll go like mad." Here the audience interrupted, "Hang him! hang him! tar and feathers a'n't half bad enough for the dam' nigger-thief!"

Young Branghton received us at the door; and the first words he spoke were, "Do you know, sisters a'n't dressed yet." Then, hurrying us into the house, he said to me, "Come, Miss, you shall go upstairs and catch 'em,-I dare say they're at the glass." He would have taken my hand; but I declined this civility, and begged to follow Madame Duval. Mr. Branghton then appeared, and led the way himself.

Women's wages can't be expected to do more than feed and clothe 'em, as a gineral thing, with a little savin', in case of sickness, and to bury 'em, if they break daown, as all of 'em are liable to do at any time. If I a'n't misinformed, you not only support yourself out of my establishment, but likewise relatives of yours, who I don't know that I'm called upon to feed and clothe.