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This was not very encouraging, but Agamemnon gave no time for reflection, and opening half a light salmon-coloured folding door directly opposite the one by which he entered, the Yorkshireman passed through, unannounced and unperceived by Mr.

"Non redolet sed olet!" exclaims the Yorkshireman, who dismounts in a twinkling, lending his friend a hand out of the unsavoury cesspool. "That's what comes of hunting in a new saddle, you see," added he, holding his nose. Jorrocks scrambles upon "terra firma" and exhibits such a spectacle as provokes the shouts of the field.

"She'll stand up. Trust Chukkers." "He's got nothing to beat." "Only Moonlighter." "Which is the Irish horse?" "The gray there. Cerise and white." "Flashy thing." "Yes. He'll give no trouble though. Three mile and a half is his limit." "Here's Gee-Woa, the Yorkshireman." "Looks an old-fashioned sort." "He can jump a haystack and stay all day; but he can't get a move on."

"Poh!" said Jorrocks, "did you ever know a Surrey fox not take to the hills? If he does not, I'll eat him without mint sauce," again harping on the quarter of lamb. Facilis descensus Averni two-thirds of the field went down, leaving Jorrocks, two horse-dealers in scarlet, three chicken-butchers, half a dozen swells in leathers, a whip, and the Yorkshireman on the summit.

Kearton a powerfully built Yorkshireman is an experienced cinematograph photographer and a naturalist of no small reputation. He had taken moving pictures in Africa before, and so he knew the climatic conditions there the heat radiation and the different intensities of light. He also knew the animals the Colonel was going to rope.

Most of the inmates of the house were up with the lark to the early exercises, and the Yorkshireman was as early as any of them. Having found Mr. Jorrocks's door, he commenced a loud battery against it without awaking the grocer; he then tried to open it, but only succeeded in getting it an inch or two from the post, and after several holloas of "Jorrocks, my man! Mr. Jorrocks!

"All the more reason to make his holding twenty instead of ten," roared the Yorkshireman. "But look here. You talk about dropping proceedings against that precious earl whom I saw to-day. Why not tell him not to try any funny tricks until Robert's money is safely lodged to your account? We have him in our power. Dash it all, let us use him a bit." Even Iris laughed at this naive suggestion.

"Well, now, I've travelled three hundred thousand miles, and never heard such a bit of French as that before," said the fat man, chuckling. As the grey morning mist gradually dispersed, and daylight began to penetrate the cloud that dimmed the four squares of glass composing the windows of the diligence, the Yorkshireman, half-asleep and half-awake, took a mental survey of his fellow-travellers.

We are humble and serious and out of humour with the pretentious vanity of our top-hat. The case of the soldier in the Keighley Hospital who has lost his memory in the war and has been identified by rival families as a Scotchman, a Yorkshireman, and so on is one of the most singular personal incidents of the war.

He was not a native of our parts, but a Yorkshireman that had bought a practice in the town some years before, and had gained a great character for shrewdness and ability, and I knew that he was the very man to turn to in an affair of this sort. "There's a lot more in this than's on the surface, Hugh, my lad," he remarked when I had made an end of my tale.