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"Ah, sure, I'd do annything to hilp yiz through; an' I'm sure, I taks an intheresht in yiz ahl, down to the little cat hersel'; an' indeed I niver tuk an intheresht in anny little cat but that little cat; but I couldn't go live where it wud be so loahnsome, an' I can't be out oo a plaashe, ye see."

The gossoon was much offended by the laughter that followed his account of the altar-piece, which he had no intention of making irreverential, and suddenly became silent, with a muttered "More shame for yiz;" and as his bootjack was impracticable, he was sent off with orders for the chamber- maid to supply bed candles immediately.

'By the powdhers o' war, here comes the knight arriant, says the king, 'ridin' the dhraggin that's all afire, and if he gets into the palace, yiz must be ready wid the fire ingines, says he, 'for to put him out. But when they seen the dhraggin fall outside, they all run downstairs and scampered into the palace-yard for to circumspect the curosity; and by the time they got down, the waiver had got off o' the dhraggin's neck, and runnin' up to the king, says he, 'Plaze your holiness, says he, 'I did not think myself worthy of killin' this facetious baste, so I brought him to yourself for to do him the honour of decripitation by your own royal five fingers.

"Only I'm curious to know what the deuce you've been following my ship for, the last week." "Follyin' your ship! Why, thin, blur-an-agers, do you think it's follyin' yiz I am?" "It's very like it," said the captain. "Why, did two people niver thravel the same road before?" "I don't say they didn't; but there's a great difference between a ship of seven hundred tons and a hooker."

"Go it, Paddy! go it, Paddy!" "Kape off me, you baste!" shouted Paddy. "Holy Mary, Mother of God! I'll land you a kick wid me fut if yiz come nigh me. Em'leen! Em'leen! come betune us!" He tripped, and over he went on the sand, the indefatigable Dick beating him with a little switch he had picked up to make him continue.

Wid that he let wan yell an' drops the goose an' makes for home, over hedge an' ditch, boundin' like a buck kangaroo, an' the face on him as white as flour when he burst in through the door, where we was all sittin' round the fire burnin' chestnuts to see who'd be married the first. "`An' what in the name of the saints is the mather wid yiz? says me mother.

That little boy with her is English, certainly. 'Och! master Jamey, come in out of that grane grass; d'yiz want ter dirty the clane pinafore I've put on yiz this blissed afthernoon? spoke the nurse. 'In the name of all that's awful, what kind of Italian is she speaking? asked Légume of Caper.

When old Dwyer's blood was up, he was capable of murder. No guest dared to speak. "Are yiz all dumb?" shouted Dwyer. "It's not every day a farm and a fine girl falls in a man's way." Still no one spoke, and Andy thought they were using Dwyer and his daughter badly. "Would I do, sir?" he timidly said.

"Well, have it your own way. There's them that won't hear rayson sometimes, nor have belief in larnin'; and you may say it's jommethry if you plaze; but I heerd them that knows betther than iver you knew say " "Whisht, whisht! and bad cess to you both," said O'Reirdon, "what the dickens are yiz goin' to fight about now, and sich good liquor before yiz? Hillo! there, Mrs.

"`I'll give yiz a bucketin! says she; and she up with the stick and landed him a skelp, an' driv him roarin' and hobblin' before her, and locked him up in the cabin, an' kep' him on bread an' wather for a wake to get the moon out of his head; but she might have saved her thruble, for that day month in it was agin. . . . There she comes!"