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"And 'im to mend th' owd church screen up to Cranbrook Church," sighed the Ancient; "a wunnerful screen, a wunnerful screen! older nor me ah! a sight older hunneds and hunneds o' years older they wouldn't let nobody touch it but Black Jarge." "'E be the best smith in the South Country!" nodded Simon. "Ay, an' a bad man to work for as ever was!" growled Job.

You are a real good, game bit of stuff! and don't let any one tell me otherwise." This unconscionable young doctor was picking up the proper tone for the North Sea; he had no airs, and, when his boat was reeling away to his own vessel again over the powdery crests of the sea, an Aldeburgh fisherman said, "Well, Joe, be sewer, he's a wunnerful fine gent, that is!

But nineteen five? Challacombe's Leger, that was. Ay, Bunce fits into it. This ale clears the wits wunnerful." Dick was at the bar, money passing to the tapster. "There's another, owd cock, where that came from," he said, turning to Blossom. "Mebbe the next pint'll make 'ee call to mind how Challacombe's win cleaned me out and me bound to get south away to Coventry?"

He was so disgusted at the way Bill Chambers and Henery Walker come up 'ere wasting their 'ard-earned money, that he sent 'im a letter, signed 'A Friend of the Working Man, telling 'im about it and advising 'im what to do." "A friend o' yours?" ses John Biggs, staring at 'im. "What for?" "I don't know," ses Bob; "he's a wunnerful good scholard, and he likes writin' letters.

" Wunnerful affectionate old dog, ain't you, Joseph? ses Bob. "'He's got a kind eye, ses Mr. Bunnett. "'He's like another child to me, ain't you, my pretty? ses Bob, smiling at 'im and feeling in 'is pocket. 'Here you are, old chap.

"He threw down a biskit so sudden that Joseph, thinking it was a stone, went off like a streak o' lightning with 'is tail between 'is legs and yelping his 'ardest. Most men would ha' looked a bit foolish, but Bob Pretty didn't turn a hair. "'Ain't it wunnerful the sense they've got, he ses to Mr. Bunnett, wot was still staring arter the dog. "'Sense? ses the old gen'leman.

Bodfish affected the widow visibly, but its effect on the ex-constable nearly upset the bread-pan. "But here," continued Mr. Negget, with another glance at the larder, "he might go on like that for years. He's a wunnerful shy man big, and gentle, and shy. He wanted Lizzie to ask you to tea yesterday." "Now, Mr. Negget," said the blushing widow. "Do be quiet."

As I came along the village this morning I saw Jim Squire digging up his potatoes in the golden September light. I hailed him, and inquired how the crop was turning out. "A wunnerful fine crop," he said, "and thank the Lord, there ain't a spot o' disease in 'em."

Bill Chambers was the fust to get 'is presence of mind back, and he set off arter Henery Walker as fast as 'is legs could carry 'im, and in a wunnerful short time, considering, he came back with' Henery, both of 'em puffing and blowing their 'ardest. "There he is!" ses Bill Chambers, pointing to the old gentleman.

She had brought them out of the stye to have a better sight of their pretty twitching noses and their silken bristles and their playfulness, which was unclouded, as it is in the puppy by a genuine fear of life, or in the kitten by a minxish affectation of the same; and Goodtart, the cattleman, had drawn near with a "Wunnerful, ain't they, Miss Marion? and them not born at four o'clock this morning," when she heard the clear voice that was sweet and yet hard, like silver ringing on steel, calling to the dogs out in the roadway, "Lesbia!