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Fleetwood left the room, and taking the little girl who was crying at the door by the hand, led her up stairs. "What is the matter, Ellen?" she asked as calmly and as soothingly as the irritating nature of Ellen's peculiar cry or whine would permit her. "Earnest won't play with me," replied the child, still crying.

There is C , a fellow that is always in the wrong who puts might for right on all occasions a Tory in grain who has no one idea but what has been instilled into him by custom and authority an everlasting babbler on the stronger side of the question querulous and dictatorial, and with a peevish whine in his voice like a beaten schoolboy.

On a Sunday afternoon, late in June, John Levine turned in at the gate as casually as though he had left but the day before. Lydia was inspecting the garden with her father, when she heard Adam bark and whine a welcome to some one. "Oh, there he is, Daddy!" she cried, and she dashed down the rows of young peas, her white skirts fluttering, both hands extended.

He went sniffing about the room, evidently searching for the two who were gone, and finally, with a long breath like a sigh, he dropped down beside the rocking-chair and rubbed his head against his master's hand with a low, troubled whine. Theodore patted the rough head as he said, "Pretty lonesome, ain't it, old fellow?" and Tag rapped the floor with his tail and whined again.

The four pursuers took their places on the benches of the car behind the motor. The trolley was attached. A great door was opened, allowing the cold blast of the blizzard to whine within the tunnel. Then, clattering over the frogs, green lights flashing from the trolley wire, the speeding journey was begun. It was all new to Fairchild, engrossing, exciting.

Loaded with places and preferments, rolling in wealth, he approached his sovereign with the whine of a mendicant. He talked of his property as a "misery," when he asked for boons, and expressed his thanks in the language of a slave when he received them. Having obtained the abbey of St.

And to have told the truth, to have said, "Maddy, I'm starving. I haven't had a square meal for four months," would have sounded too like a beggar's whine. Whatever he let out later on, it would be mean to spring all that on Maddox now, covering him with confusion and remorse. He laughed softly, aware that his very laugh would be used as evidence against him. "I see.

Manuma began to plead, half in Samoan and half in English. It was a sing-song whine, with the quavering intonations of a beggar, and it filled Mackintosh with disgust. It outraged him that the man should let himself be so crushed. He was a pitiful object. "I can do nothing," said Mackintosh irritably. "You know that Mr Walker is master here." Manuma was silent again. He still stood in the doorway.

The persecutions of the Middle Ages compelled them to wear rags, to snuffle and whine and groan over their poverty in self-defence, till the habits induced by the necessities of other times have come to be, as usual, instinctive, a racial defect.

Oh, mamma, do let it be the Christmas-tree. It is quite well. We've been to look at it. 'Christmas-trees have got so stale, Val, said Gillian. 'Rot! put in Jasper. 'Oh, please, please, mamma, implored Valetta, 'please let it be the dear old Christmas-tree! You said I should choose because it will be my birthday. 'There is no need to whine, Val; you shall have your tree.