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Do you not realise the chief incident of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?" "And what's that?" asked Lambert, shortly. "It is very simple," replied the other. "Hitherto it was the ruin of a joke that people did not see it. Now it is the sublime victory of a joke that people do not see it. Humour, my friends, is the one sanctity remaining to mankind.

I would only like to put those women who malign me into my place for a single year. Perhaps they would become even more reckless of the convenances than I am!" "My dear Winnie," he said, "what's the use of discussing such an old and threadbare theme? Things are not always what they seem, as the man with a squint said when he thought he saw two sovereigns where there was but one.

'Thank you, says I, 'that's the best thing I can do, now Lilian is dead. And with that the nurse gives a laugh. 'Oh, that's what's on your mind, is it? says she. 'Doctor said there was something. Miss Lilian had run away that night to her young man. Lucky for her! She's luckier than you, poor thing!

"I shouldn't think any man with horse-sense would ask what's hard on us when he's seen the ornaments tacked up all over the shop this morning." "That's so," said Lee, with a glance over his shoulder. Flynn was at the other end of the room. Granville Joy, Dixon, and one or two other men were sauntering up. For a second the little group looked at one another.

"What's your offer?" Hogshead Geoffrey, also nicknamed "The Barrel," thumped the table with a formidable fist, at the risk of upsetting a pile of saucers, which, at this advanced hour of the evening, showed clearly how he had spent the hours passed in the wine-shop. "What do I offer?" he retorted. "I offer what's wanted. I don't haggle.

'You know about dogs, Mr. Netherby, don't you? 'Rath-er! said Mr. Netherby, who was a trifle slangy. 'Why? Are you thinking of investing in a dog? 'It's Aunt Sophy's dog, explained Daisy, 'and he's ill very ill and we can't make out what's the matter, so I thought you would tell us perhaps? 'I'll ride over to-morrow and have a look at him. 'Oh, but you needn't he's here.

"It's Molly," she said; "can you send us back to town? she's she's " "Not well," the daughter was trying to say. The boy's straightforward eyes were fixed on hers inquiringly. "What's the use; I can't lie," the girl broke down miserably. "I ought not to have come with her." Her arms dropped from across the doorway. In all perplexity he was waiting.

"Who does your darning and mending?" "I do, mamma. See, this is Broadway, papa. We're just rounding the famous Columbus Circle." "I don't see much difference between this and St. Louis. Do you, Ben? Just stores and stores like there are on Olive Street. Oh, look! There is one of the Ryan Cut Price Drug Stores, just like we have at home. Look at the crowds around that thing what's that?

Isn't this delicious?" "Hush!" said Hugh. " Father's just here in the barn. I can't go, Fleda." Fleda's countenance clouded. "Can't go! what's the matter? can't you go, Hugh?" He shook his head, and went off into the barn. A chill came upon Fleda. She turned away with a very sober step. What if her uncle was in the barn, why should she hush?

You've behaved like a little man through it all, and I don't like to take advantage of you. If you want to rue your bargain, I'll call it off. I've had some fresh light on the matter, and I believe I can let you off without loss to myself. So that if it's me you're considering " "What's your fresh light?" asked Hewson. "Well," said St.