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The gentlemen walked off, and a sharp sensation impressed upon Madame de Pastourelles that Arthur was only allowed to go with Lord Findon, because she was not of the party. A sudden colour rose into her cheeks. For the hour that followed, she devoted herself to her cousin. But Mrs. Welby was difficult and querulous.

Just as misanthropy with some persons grows out of benevolence disappointed, so there are certain natures and Kenelm Chillingly's was perhaps one of them in which indifferentism grows out of earnestness baffled. He had promised himself pleasure in renewing acquaintance with his old tutor, Mr. Welby, pleasure in refreshing his own taste for metaphysics and casuistry and criticism.

It was the desire to confer with this eminent theologian that had induced Kenelm to direct his steps to Oxford. Mr. Roach was a friend of Welby, at whose house, when a pupil, Kenelm had once or twice met him, and been even more charmed by his conversation than by his treatise. Kenelm called on Mr.

Welby, in a moment of whim, wrote some very able articles in a leading journal, had, on acceding to power, presented the realist with one of those few good things still left to ministerial patronage, a place worth about L1,200 a year. His mornings thus engaged in routine work, Mr. Welby enjoyed his evenings in a convivial way.

And with a little dry nod of farewell she slipped her hand into her father's arm and led him away. Welby also saluted pleasantly, and followed the others. Fenwick was left to pace his room in a tempest, denouncing himself as a 'damned fool, bent on destroying all his own chances in life.

"What you say that you saved me from might have done me more good than all you conferred on me. I suspect that when education succeeds in placing an old head upon young shoulders the combination is not healthful: it clogs the blood and slackens the pulse. However, I must not be ungrateful; you meant kindly. Yes, I suppose Welby is practical: he has no belief, and he has got a place.

'But don't let us in if you don't want to. 'Turn me out, please, at once, if I'm in the way, said Welby. 'Lord Findon made me come up. It was the first time that Welby had visited the Bernard Street studio. Fenwick's conceit had sometimes resented the fact. Yet now that Welby was there he was unwilling to show his work. He muttered something about there being 'more to see in a day or two.

And the fellow had really some general cultivation; nothing like Welby, of course where would you find another Arthur Welby? but enough to lift him above the mere journeyman. After all, one must be indulgent to these novices with no traditions behind them and no well, to put it plainly no grandfathers! And so, with reflexions of this kind, the annoyance of a good-natured man subsided.

In a few minutes they were off in a body, all of the boys accompanying the farmer to the next farm. Ike Welby was not at home, but his wife said they could have the boat and welcome, and procured for them two pairs of oars from the barn. "I am glad that negro didn't come here," she declared. "I should have fainted dead away, too, and he would have gotten everything in the house.

According to Cuningham's information, it was now three years since a separation had been arranged between Madame de Pastourelles and her husband, Comte Albert de Pastourelles, owing to the Comte's outrageous misconduct. Lord Findon had no doubt taken her abroad after the catastrophe. And, besides her father, Welby had also been near, apparently watching over her?