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And presently the girl set to work; but even though she labored till her fingers ached, she could not start the tight and water-soaked ligatures. "Hold on, wait a minute," directed he. "Feel in my right-hand pocket. Maybe they forgot to take my knife." She obeyed. "They've got it," she announced. "Even if they don't know the meaning of revolvers, they understand knives all right. It's gone."

Even the natives themselves, guiding the heavy, unwieldy, treacherous cable round and round in the water-soaked tank, that only one turn should be lifted at a time, grinned affably and perspiringly at those of us peering over the railing at them grimy tar-stained figures that they were, the sunlight bringing their faces out in strong relief against the dark backgound.

I asked if she was not ill, and he said no; that she had gone away early; that he had rowed her to Federal Street, and that she would be back Saturday. It was shortly after that that the dog Peter brought in one of Mrs. Ladley's slippers, water-soaked." "You recognized the slipper?" "Positively. I had seen it often." "What did you do with it?" "I took it to Mr. Ladley." "What did he say?"

"I'm an Injun," McHale, ejaculated, "if the whole durn creek ain't lowered!" Because he came from a land of real rivers, he invariably referred to the Coldstream thus slightingly. But unmistakably it had fallen. Half the dam appeared above the surface, slimy, weed-grown, darkly water-soaked. Naturally, with the falling of the water, the ditch had partially failed.

In that dark deep wherein his foot was held fast, his mind's eye could see it all well enough the water-soaked, brown-green, slimy, inexorable coil, which had yielded to admit the unlucky member, then closed upon the ankle like the jaws of an otter trap. He could feel that grip not severe, but uncompromisingly firm, clutching the joint.

"Well, if it's good for water-soaked people, I guess it can't hurt the fish." "Empty it, Dab. Empty it, and come along. The doctor wasn't so far wrong, and I was glad to have it with me. Seemed to do some of 'em a power of good. But medicine's medicine, and I only wish some people I know of would remember it." "Some of 'em do a good deal of that kind of doctoring."

Phœbe could not bear to think that across the seas men were lying in the filth of water-soaked trenches, agonizing and bleeding on the battlefields and suffering nameless tortures in hospitals that a peace like unto the peace of her quiet haven might brood undisturbed over the world in future generations. She dismissed the harrowing thought of war she would enjoy the calm of her quarry.

Every one of those old outlaws who haunt our New England ponds and marshes, water-soaked and soakers of something else, intimate with the pure fluid in that familiarity which breeds contempt, has yet a wholesome side when you explore his knowledge of frost and freshet, pickerel and musk-rat, and is exceedingly good company while you can keep him beyond scent of the tavern.

It was no easy matter to find wood dry enough to burn, but once a blaze was started they found branches enough to pile on. They shed the majority of their garments, and soon the warmth dried each piece, much to their satisfaction and comfort. Whopper had not been idle, and he soon had a pot of hot coffee, to which they added some condensed milk and water-soaked sugar.

It had been raining nearly all day, and we had just turned in about ten o'clock in the evening when a sudden gale sprung up from the northward. The water-soaked ground did not hold the tent pins very well, and the rattling of canvas warned us to look after the fastenings. The staff were all quickly at work, the servants being, as usual, slow in answering a call in the night.