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Updated: September 17, 2024
Who shall turn him out when I, 'the one-eyed, say no?" In connection with the circulation of the Scriptures I will now relate an anecdote not altogether divested of singularity. I have already spoken of the water-mill by the bridge of Azeca. I had formed acquaintance with the tenant of this mill, who was known in the neighbourhood by the name of Don Antero.
I had decided to go to a water-mill belonging to the Man of Wrath which lies far away in a clearing, so far away and so lonely and so quiet that the very spirit of peace seems to brood over it for ever; and all the way the wortleberry carpet was thick and unbroken. Never were the pines more pungent than after the long heat, and their rosy stems flushed pinker as I passed.
We got out to the miller, though, as soon as we could; only Dora and Daisy stayed with her, and she talked to them about her lodgers and about her relations in London. The corn makes a rustling soft noise that is very jolly something like the noise of the sea and you can hear it through all the other mill noises. Then the miller let us go all over the water-mill. It is fairy palaces inside a mill.
One visitor alone is hardly safe among the wild half-gipsy lot who dwell there now, but a few copper coins are all the keys needed to gain admission to some fine old patios with marble columns, crumbling fandaks, and ruined baths. By the roadside may be seen the identical style of water-mill still used in Morocco, and the presence of the Spaniard seems a dream.
Through the midst of the village comes tumbling and rumbling a mountain streamlet, rushing through a deep, rocky dell, gliding under an old stone inch, and turning, when occasion calls, the great block of a water-mill. This is the only very striking feature of the village, the stream taking its rough pathway to the lake as it used to do before the poets had made this region fashionable.
"Bruin has escaped us this time," said Lumley, "and I don't feel disposed to go after him any further. You see, Max, I must be up early to-morrow to superintend Coppet at his water-mill, so I would advise resting here a bit to refresh ourselves at this spring, and then make tracks for home."
I asked how the thing had happened, and the young fellow told me that he and his brother had been treacherously attacked at a water-mill, whilst having the family grain ground, by some Aberkoh youths, between whose family and his there was a longstanding blood-feud; that they both had been shot at close quarters, and his brother had died of his wounds two days before.
The blooming prairie, the log cabin nestling near the border-line of grove or forest, the old water-mill, the cross-roads store, the flintlock rifle, the mould-board plough, the dinner-horn, with notes sweeter than lute or harp ever knew, are once more in visible presence. At such an hour little stretch of the imagination is needed to recall from the shadows forms long since vanished.
He made me a sign to put them again into my purse, and the purse again into my pocket, which, after offering it to him several times, I thought it best to do. The farmer, by this time, was convinced I must be a rational creature. He spoke often to me; but the sound of his voice pierced my ears like that of a water-mill, yet his words were articulate enough.
A hundred-and-fifty odd projects took possession of his brains by turns he would do this, and that and t'other He would go to Rome he would go to law he would buy stock he would buy John Hobson's farm he would new fore front his house, and add a new wing to make it even There was a fine water-mill on this side, and he would build a wind-mill on the other side of the river in full view to answer it But above all things in the world, he would inclose the great Ox-moor, and send out my brother Bobby immediately upon his travels.
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