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Who shall turn him out when I, 'the one-eyed, say no?" In connection with the circulation of the Scriptures I will now relate an anecdote not altogether divested of singularity. I have already spoken of the water-mill by the bridge of Azeca. I had formed acquaintance with the tenant of this mill, who was known in the neighbourhood by the name of Don Antero.

We arrived at the bridge of Azeca, which is about half a league from Villa Seca; close beside it is a large water-mill, standing upon a dam which crosses the river.

I am going to bathe my horse in the Tagus by the bridge of Azeca." I instantly saddled my jaca Cordovesa, and joining him, we rode out of the village, directing our course across the plain towards the river. "Did you ever see such a horse as this of mine, Don Jorge?" he demanded. "Is he not a jewel an alaja?"

Villa Seca Moorish House The Puchera The Rustic Council Polite Ceremonial The Flower of Spain The Bridge of Azeca The Ruined Castle Taking the Field Demand for the Word The Old Peasant The Curate and Blacksmith Cheapness of the Scriptures. It was one of the most fiercely hot days in which I ever braved the sun, when I arrived at Villa Seca.