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Houston this morning, and I am to have a great medicine talk to-morrow. "Your devoted father, "R. E. Lee. "Miss Mildred Lee." Baltimore Alexandria A war-talk with Cousin Cassius Lee "Ravensworth" Letter to Doctor Buckler declining invitation to Europe To General Cooper To Mrs. Lee from the Hot Springs Tired of public places Preference for country life

And speaking of the war-flurry, it seemed to me to bring to light the unexpected, in a detail or two. It seemed to relegate the war-talk to the politicians on both sides of the water; whereas whenever a prospective war between two nations had been in the air theretofore, the public had done most of the talking and the bitterest. The attitude of the newspapers was new also.

It appears that the Prince, after leisurely crossing the continent on his way around the world, had come to the Truxton Kings for a long- promised and much-desired visit, the duration of which depended to some extent on his own inclinations, and not a little on the outcome of the war-talk that affected two great European nations Russia and Austria.

You talk war like a book!" Barney cried, in mock admiration. The war-talk went on late into the night, for the company, detached from camp, was not obliged to follow the signals of the bugles that came in melodious echoes over the fragrant fields. It was a thrilling sight as the lone watchers peered backward.

Applegate and Creagan tell it that they saw Chris leaving town at eleven o'clock, that he said he was coming up here, and that he made a war-talk about Marr. But not a word about Pringle or the fight at the hotel. Joe Espalin doesn't appear no claim that he saw Foy at all." "That looks ugly," observed Pringle. "Ugly! Your testimony is to be thrown out as a lie made of whole cloth.

When the flow ceased, I turned bewildered to Takahira, who was nodding solemnly. 'Quite correct, said he. 'It is all in the old books. He has left nothing out, not even the war-talk. 'But I don't see how this stuff can upset a child, much less a district, I replied. 'Ah, you are too young, said Dragomiroff. 'For another thing, you are not a mamma. Please look at the mammas.

Many of them fell, but the buffalo-king, being stronger and swifter than the others, escaped, and, flying to the west, was never seen more. A great while ago the Shawanos nation took up the war-talk against the Walkullas, who lived on their own lands on the borders of the Great Salt Lake, and near the Burning Water. Part of the nation were not well pleased with the war.

"I betche they'll kill somebody before they're through. When sheepmen gits mean " Pink picked up his rope and started for the large corral, where a few saddle horses had been driven in just before supper and had not yet been turned out. "You fellows can stand around and chew the rag, if you want to," he said caustically, "and wait for Weary to make a war-talk.

Get your room into shape for us. Put the chairs where we cannot stumble over them. How long will you be gone?" "I don't know. These Germans certainly keep us busy. Some of our optimists are turning pessimists, now that Austria is declaring war against Servia. They are beginning to think that perhaps there is something in this war-talk.

The battalion moved off. So much for the war-talk of veterans. Now let us listen to the novices. "Bogle," said Angus M'Lachlan to his henchman, "I think we shall have to lighten this Wolseley valise of mine. With one thing and another it weighs far more than thirty-five pounds." "That's a fact, sirr," agreed Mr. Bogle. "It carries ower mony books in the heid of it."