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That wedding-cake took the tart away from anything I've ever seen. Which of the four hundred's going to eat it?" "De man vot ordered dot cake," Munsberg swaggered, "he's not got to vorry along on vun million nor two. He owns de biggest brewery in New York, I guess in America. He's Schwartz of Schwartz & Kapfer." "Well, he 's got it to burn!" said Tembarom.

It'd gotta be a costume picture, and you got shoost as much show to market vun o' dem today as you got vit a pauper's funeral. I spend all dat money, and no show to git it back, and den you actors tink I'm makin' ten million a veek off you " "Cut it out, Abey!" broke in Mary. "Mr. Carpenter hasn't asked anything of you." "Oh, he ain't, hey? So dat's his game.

Vun o' these dummies wos a favrite vith him beyond the others; and ven any of his acquaintance asked him wy he didn't get married as the young ladies he know'd, in partickler, often did he used to say, "Never! I never vill enter into the bonds of vedlock," he says, "until I meet vith a young 'ooman as realises my idea o' that 'ere fairest dummy vith the light hair.

"Eh, heh, Monsieur le colonel! you think-a so? Well den, by gar you no need for tink-a so by gar my French-a-mans run over de fence just like vun tief horse run over de cornfield fence mind now I tell-a you dat, Monsieur le colonel." "Well, but Monsieur le count, the British sometimes fight like the d -l."

Most of dese vatches iss no good vatsoever. Dey make vatches diff'rend now as dey used to. Chust vun minute or two more und I have him figxed so he don'd break no more for a vile. Und vat vas we talking aboud? "Ah, yes. Aboud how I drink beer und vas a bum. Dat's how it goes. Ven you are young you have less sense den ven you are old. Und I used to go around thinking I vould commit suicide.

I don't hear from my vife und I don't hear from my son. Und my liddle vun iss dead. Und so I lose my fine house und the horses und everyding. "Preddy soon I got no job even und preddy soon I am almost a bum. I hang around saloons und drink beer und do noding but spend a little money I pick up now un den by doing liddle jobs. Ah, now I have it. It vas de liddle spring. See? Zo.

'Wy, he did wot many men as has been much better know'd has done in their time, Sir, replied Sam, 'he run a match agin the constable, and vun it. 'In other words, I suppose, said Mr. Pickwick, 'he got into debt. 'Just that, Sir, replied Sam, 'and in course o' time he come here in consekens.

Vot for you do dot?" screamed Herr Schimmelpodt. "Hey? Answer me dot vun, dumm-gesicht!" "I did it to save you from going under the wheels," retorted Officer Hemingway dryly. "Und now I don't go me by dot game today!" groaned Herr Schimmelpodt. "Me! I dream apout dot game all der veek, und now I don't see me by it." "But, man " "Hal's maul." "Me!

"V'y, I could tell you, or you could read of it in the Gazette jest three or four lines o' printing and they've spelt 'is name wrong at that, curse 'em! But Corporal Dick can tell you best. Let 'im. 'Ere 'e comes, vith a steaming brew o' the Vun and Only." And indeed, at this moment the Corporal re-entered, bearing a jug that gave forth a most enticing and delicious aroma, and upon which Mr.

Ze yong man zat spoke to you ven you rise from ze table, and vun of ze ladies. Again I raise my hat and say, ‘How do you do? I hope zat you are regovered from ze dance.’ Zat is gorrect, you say?” “Under most circumstances.”