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I do not know what "Que voulez les messieurs?" means, but such was his remark. Our general said, "We will take a whiskey straight." "Well, if you don't know what that is, give us a champagne cock-tail." "Well, then, give us a sherry cobbler." The Frenchman was checkmated. This was all Greek to him. "Give us a brandy smash!"

Baroudi moved from the rock, and, without smiling, came slowly up to her over the shining ground that looked metal in the fierce radiance of the sun. He wore a suit of white linen, white shoes, and the tarbush. "Puisque votre mari n'y est plus, parlons Français," he said. "Comme vous voulez," she replied. She did not ask him why he preferred to speak in French.

Rations are not a guarantee that the amount mentioned will be forthcoming; they only permit one to have it if it can be obtained. One interesting result of the stringency, according to an American officer writing from Paris, is that guests even at formal dinners, may be asked to bring their own bread, finding this postscript on their invitations: "Apportez un peu de pain si vous le voulez."

and I say, No. Precigne, feeling weirdly depressed, and Surplice is standing to my left, contemplating the departure of the incorrigibles with interested disappointment Surplice of whom no man takes any notice when that man leaves, be it for Hell or Paradise.... And once a week the maitre de chambre throws soap on the mattresses, and I hear a voice "monsieur, voulez pas?"

The general air of Auxerre is ancient and respectable; but conveys no ideas of populousness or commerce. In the opinion, however, of an old sub-matron of the Enfans Trouvées (who looked over my shoulder while sketching, and whom, by way of something to say, I ignorantly complimented on her fine family of grandchildren), there is nothing, or, according to Malthus, much to complain of in the former respect. "Ah, Monsieur, que voulez vous? ce sont les militaires, ils vont par çi, ils vont par l

"Keep your advice to yourself, Duncan, till it's asked for," he answered, roughly. "You've done nothing but advise lately, and I'm rather sick of it." "Comme vous voulez," replied Duncan, with a shrug. "Gang your own gait; I'll have nothing more to do with trying to stop you, since you will ruin yourself."

Je comance a ouvrire mes yeux a votre egar, Madame, vous ne voulez pas de mois, ce soire, malgre votre promes, et ma malheureuse situation. The quarrels grew more frequent and more embittered. We have marked his suspicious view of the lady's movements. On September 26, 1750, she had not returned, and he wrote to her in the following terms. The Prince. September 26, 1750.

When all was still in the house; when dinner was over and the noisy recreation-hour past; when darkness had set in, and the quiet lamp of study was lit in the refectory; when the externes were gone home, the clashing door and clamorous bell hushed for the evening; when Madame was safely settled in the salle-a-manger in company with her mother and some friends; I then glided to the kitchen, begged a bougie for one half-hour for a particular occasion, found acceptance of my petition at the hands of my friend Goton, who answered, "Mais certainement, chou-chou, vous en aurez deux, si vous voulez;" and, light in hand, I mounted noiseless to the dormitory.

"For myself nothing; but my friends are more scrupulous. I have sounded, as I promised, the heads of the old Jacobin party, and they are favourable. This upstart soldier, who has suddenly seized in his iron grasp all the fruits of the Revolution, is as hateful to them as to you. But que voulez vous, mon cher? men are men!

Heed the summons, one and all, Voulez vous danser?" The seniors behind answered: "We will make the welkin ring, Voulez vous danser? Sound the trumpet, shout and sing, Voulez vous danser?" "I think this should be called the 'Senior Rumble, and not ramble," some one said, as the wagon groaned and creaked on the hilly road. "What's the matter with 'Grumble'?" asked Mabel Hinton.