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"Oh, it doesn't ..." the observer began, but broke off, muttering unintelligibly at intervals; then swung the visiray beam toward the earth. Soon a face appeared upon the plate, the keen but careworn face of Virgil Samms! "Hello, Lyman."

He abandoned his desk and established the necessary connections between the visiray apparatus and the controls of his board. There was a fierce violet-white glare from the plate as he closed the switch, and he leaped back with his hands over his eyes, temporarily blinded. "Wow, that's hot stuff!" he exclaimed.

The red and green beams snapped out, the peculiar radiance died from the metal walls, and the gigantic duplex cone of the Vorkuls bored serenely northward as little marked or affected by the episode as is a darting swift who, having snapped up a chance insect in full flight, darts on. "Great Cat!" Far off in space, Brandon turned from his visiray screen and wiped his brow.

The two Terrestrial observers relapsed into silence, staring into their visiray plates, searching throughout the enormous volume of one of those great fortresses in another attempt to solve the mystery of the generation and propagation of the incredible manifestations of energy which they had just witnessed.

Putting a little power upon the visiray plate, he moved the point of projection a short distance from their hiding-place, so that the plate showed a view of the wreckage. The upper half of the vessel was still intact, the lower half a jumble of sharply-cut fragments. From each of the larger pieces a brilliant ray of tangible force stretched outward.

Flipping the switch, Stevens turned the dial and Titan shone upon the screen; so close, that it no longer resembled a moon, but was a world toward which they were falling with an immense velocity. "Not close enough to make out much detail yet let's take another look at Saturn," and Stevens projected the visiray beam out toward the mighty planet.

Our most efficient weapons are our heat rays not yours remember and poison gas. I must prepare our arms." "Would our heat-ray actually set them afire, Steve?" Nadia asked, as the plate went blank. "I'll say it would. I'll show you what heat means to them showing you will be plainer than any amount of explanation," and he shot the visiray beam down toward the city of Titania.

Bring the boat in without converting it, so that we may study at our leisure both the beings and their mechanisms," and Nerado swung his own visiray beam into the emergency boat, seeing there the armored figures of Clio Marsden and the two Triplanetary officers. "They are indeed intelligent," Nerado commented, as he detected and silenced Costigan's ultra-beam communicator.

"It's pretty bleak, no fooling," he admitted, and peered through the eyepiece of the visiray telescope, studying minutely the forbidding surface of the satellite they were so rapidly approaching. Larger and larger it loomed, a cratered, jagged globe of desolation indescribable; of sheer, bitter cold incarnate and palpable; of stark, sharp contrasts.

Having been unmolested so long, they might have relaxed their vigilance. We may never know." "Tell 'em to cancel the expedition we'll shoot the visiray over there right now and find out all about it. We'll let them know pretty quickly.