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He is only an anxious villager. 'Voyez, monsieur cet cet qu'est-ce que qu'est-ce que veut dire cet cela? He shows me the paper. It is an old scrap of print, the picture of an American patent door-spring, with directions: 'Fasten the spring either end up. Wind it up. Never unwind. It is laconic and American. The signore watches me anxiously, waiting, holding his chin.

Nous sommes tous heureux d'avoir le costume des Anglais Seul'ment ce qu'il fallait, Pour que ça soit complet. Et je suis certain si l'armée veut nous mettre

At Paris, I am sure you must observe 'que chacun se fait valoir autant qu'il est possible'; and La Bruyere observes, very justly, qu'on ne vaut dans ce monde que ce qu'on veut valoir': wherever applause is in question, you will never see a French man, nor woman, remiss or negligent. Observe the eternal attentions and politeness that all people have there for one another.

"Que dites-vous du premier coup d'archet? avez-vous entendu le premier coup d'archet?" "Oui, j'ai entendu le premier et le dernier." "Comment le dernier? que veut dire cela?"

They may justly remove all, timidity, awkward bashfulness, low diffidence of one's self, and mean abject complaisance to every or anybody's opinion. La Bruyere says, very truly, 'on ne vaut dans ce monde, que ce que l'on veut valoir'. It is a right principle to proceed upon in the world, taking care only to guard against the appearances and outward symptoms of vanity.

After a long time I returned to my bunk and I lay down, closing my eyes; feeling the snow's minute and crisp touch falling gently and exquisitely, falling perfectly and suddenly, through the thick soundless autumn of my imagination.... "L'americain! L'americain!" Someone is speaking to me. "Le petit belge avec le bras casse est la-bas, a la porte, il veut parler...."

"La cour se précipite pêle-mêle avec la foule, car l'étiquette de France veut que tous entrent

Never be angry at table, no matter what may happen, or even if you have cause for anger, do not show it, especially if strangers are present. 106th. Ne vous asséez point de vous mesme au haut-bout; miais s'il vous appartient, ou si le maistre du logis le veut ainsi, ne faites pas tant de resistance pour n'y point aller, que vous fachiez toute la compagnie.

"'From Notter Dam I proceeded in a cabrioly to the great national burying-ground, Pere la Chaise, so termed from the circumstance that its distance from the capital renders chaises necessary for the convoys " "How's this, how's this!" interrupted Mr. Truck; "is one obliged to sail under a convoy about the streets of Paris?" "Monsieur Dodge veut dire, convoi. Mr.

contained in the Soit fait comme il est desire, or the more peremptory Le roi le veut. At which point in the order of succession came the royal assent to the union bill, I cannot distinctly recollect. But one thing I do recollect that no audible expression, no buzz, nor murmur, nor susurrus even, testified the feelings which, doubtless, lay rankling in many bosoms.