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As the room grew darker, and only the firelight broke against the gloom of the walls, she was convinced that it would be beyond her staying power to pass the night without hearing from him or from somebody. Yet eight o'clock drew on, and his form at the window did not appear. The meal remained untasted.

"How will it be with them?" she asked. "Do you mean there isn't anything left, sir? Nothing to carry out the will?" Rodney had dropped his spoon and left his soup untasted, since his father first spoke: he had lifted up his eyes quickly, and listened with his whole face, but he had kept silence until now. Amy had looked up also; startled by the news, and waiting to hear more.

When winter set well in Gabord brought me a blanket, and though last year I had not needed it, now it was most grateful. I had been fed for months on bread and water, as in my first imprisonment, but at last whether by orders or not, I never knew he brought me a little meat every day, and some wine also. Yet I did not care for them, and often left them untasted.

The latter emptied his in a minute, not forgetting first to say 'the best prydydd in all the world! The man in grey was also not slow to empty his own. The jug now passed rapidly between my two friends, for the poet seemed determined to have his full share of the beverage. I allowed the ale in my glass to remain untasted, and began to talk about the bards, and to quote from their works.

Without it he would be thrust forth he could make no claim to association with them. The thought filled him with a slow, bitter anger. He sent away his soup untasted, and he could not find heart to speak to the girl who had been the will-o'-the-wisp leading him into this evil plight. Presently she addressed him. "Mr. Trent!" He turned round and looked at her.

To-night none paused to finish the meal, and many a cup raised half-way was set down again untasted. It is so easy to be too late. Already the flicker of lanterns on the sea-wall showed that the rectory was astir.

'I shot Manderson myself. 'I am afraid I startled you, Trent heard the voice of Mr Cupples say. He forced himself out of his stupefaction like a diver striking upward for the surface, and with a rigid movement raised his glass. But half of the wine splashed upon the cloth, and he put it carefully down again untasted. He drew a deep breath, which was exhaled in a laugh wholly without merriment.

"THURSDAY?" cried Barton. For some inexplainable reason the whole idea struck him suddenly as offensive, distinctly offensive, as if Fate, the impatient waiter, had snatched away a yet untasted plate. "Why why, Eve!" he protested, "why, we're only just beginning to get acquainted." "Yes, I know it," mused little Eve Edgarton.

Margaret, which hung in the room After all present had voted it execrable, Carreño quietly remarked, "It at least has the merit of showing that no man need despair of improving in art, for I painted it myself when I was a beginner." Being at his easel one morning with two friends, one of them, for a jest, drank the cup of chocolate which stood untasted by his side.

"I should have borne the thirst on the sandy desert, and dashed the crystal cup untasted from the fairy's hand; but I could never have faced the nobles and chiefs of Erin if I had refused to meet the challenge of the battle champion on the golden bridge."