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Saunders eye the features of those high-born gentlemen, Messrs. Eustace Fitzherbert and William Howard Russell; but after a long survey he withdrew his eyes, made an unsatisfactory and unrecognizing gesture to the magistrate, and said, "Please your worship, they are none of my flock; but Bill Troutling knows more of this sort of genteel chaps than I does."

Undine's eyes met his with a startled look, and for a long moment they remained suspended on each other's stare. Undine at length shrank back with an unrecognizing face; but her movement made her opera-glass slip to the floor, and her neighbour bent down and picked it up. "Well don't you know me yet?" he said with a slight smile, as he restored the glass to her.

Thus hours passed, and at last a glimmer appeared in the streaming air, and a faint light stole over the face of the water. If they saw one another, it was with unrecognizing eyes. They were devoured with hunger, but they did not know it.

He hardly had time to bethink himself of his enemy the gobbler when he was clutched under the arm, swung through the air with a swiftness that caused the scream to evaporate in his throat, and the next moment he looked quakingly up into his father's face with unrecognizing eyes; for he had forgotten Absalom in these few weeks.

His eyes were vacant and unrecognizing when he turned them upon Harding. "Here's your patient," the American said to Clarke. "We expect you to cure him, and you had better get to work at once." Then his face grew troubled as he turned to Benson. "How long has he been like that?" he asked. "The last two days. I'm afraid he's very bad." Harding sat down with a smothered groan.

No man of letters perhaps scarcely even Shakespeare himself is so often quoted in the columns of the daily press. His is a name that may be safely introduced into any written or spoken discussion, without fear of the stare of unrecognizing ignorance; and the only danger to which those who quote him expose themselves is that of the yawn of over-familiarity.

She whispered to him, as the stranger approached, "There's the man coming now with mother! I thought't was a crazy man!" The mother came eagerly forward, anxious to prevent the unrecognizing glance, which she knew must be painful. "What do you think, Henry? Swan Day has come back, just in time to spend Thanksgiving with us!" "Swan Day?

I, with sardonic smile, entered the hotel, where I was not unknown. No doubt was made as to the character of my apartments. I rested sumptuously, but could not sleep. "How was he now, who lay stricken yonder? Had he known her, or would those rare blue eyes be lifted to her too, unrecognizing, and so break her heart?"

A noise of whispering, rustling, scraping of feet arose as some old men crowded in among the women, and then the room became silent. The Elder took his seat and glanced round upon them all with solemn unrecognizing severity, while the mourners came down the creaking pine stairway in proper order of procedure.

Follingsbee and Lillie in the park, he took pains, from time to time, to meet them face to face, and to pass Lillie with an unrecognizing stare. Then he dashed in among Mrs. Follingsbee's circle, making himself everywhere talked of, till they were beset on all hands by the inquiry, "Don't you know young Endicott? why, I should think you would want to have him visit, here."