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A hush of expectation filled that crowded room as Baram Singh's eyes travelled slowly round the walls. He dropped them to the well of the court, and even his unexpressive face flashed with a look of recognition. "There," he cried, "there!" and he pointed to a man who was sitting just underneath the counsel's bench. Mr.

M. Didot's face was as unexpressive and as ambiguous as an oracle. He requested me to be seated, and while looking for my manuscript, which was buried beneath heaps of papers, "I have read your verses, sir," he said; "there is some talent in them, but no study. They are unlike all that is received and appreciated in our poets.

His fur-clad body was hunched upon his quarters, as near to the glowing embers as safety permitted. And as he talked a look of awe and apprehension dilated his usually unexpressive eyes. "The fire run this way that way," he cried, in a voice of monotonous cadence, but with a note of urgency behind it. "The man stand by dogs. He look look all the time. Fire all same everywhere. It burn up all.

I have my Anglican moments; and as I sat there that Sunday afternoon, in the Palladian interior of the London Church, and listened to the unexpressive voices chanting the correct service, I felt a comfortable assurance that we were in no danger of being betrayed into any unseemly manifestations of religious fervour.

"That may be," he answered; "but I wish we might hear it now, for this silent lightning is somewhat unexpressive." "Never mind that, Andre" I said; "enjoy a storm when it comes, if you like, but pray don't wish for it." "And why not?" said he; "a storm will bring us wind, you know." "And water, too," added Miss Herbey, "the water of which we are so seriously in need."

His flesh had certainly wasted, and his eye had the excitement of expectation in it as he met his visitor; but the man was the same man still, with the stiff, unexpressive manner which was the expression of his pride. Bates spoke of the weather, of the news Trenholme brought from Turrifs Settlement, of the railway all briefly, and without warmth of interest; then he asked why Trenholme had come.

Not bad faces on the whole, but heavy and unexpressive. At ten o'clock came a heavy supper, the substantial meal of the day, and immediately afterwards we went to bed, and dreamt such dreams as may be imagined. We were off early in the morning with a wizened old mestizo to guide us to the ruins of Xochicalco, which are on this very estate of Temisco.

What are the white man's words of wisdom?" Briefly, in quick, ringing sentences, De Artigny outlined his plan. Sequitah listened motionless, his face unexpressive of emotion. Twice, confused by some French phrase, he asked grave questions, and once a courier de bois spoke up in his own tongue, to make the meaning clear. As De Artigny ceased the chief stood for a moment silent.

They are already independent, financially, and they're educated, well-bred and amiable young women. Take my word for it." "I am sure your statements are justified, Mr. Merrick." Yet Hedrik Von Taer's face, usually unexpressive, denoted blank mystification. What connection could these girls have with the favor to be demanded? "Got any girls yourself, Von Taer?" "A daughter, sir. My only child.

Do you think I should enjoy dancing, if I knew you were sitting alone in this dark corner, while grandpapa and Aunt Agnes are playing chess! You are looking a great deal more woe-begone than you ought to, now baby is so much better." "You spoil me," said Jane, shaking her head, and smiling with more feeling than usual in her unexpressive face.