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"We will speak of that later," answered Ashton-Kirk. Pendleton was about to say something more, but just then Fuller knocked and entered. "The report on Allan Morris," said he. "Ah, thanks." The investigator took the compactly typed sheets, and then he continued: "Tell Burgess that he need not bother about the man Locke whom he mentions. Say that I have already located him."

As Walters dictated, he typed; the butler listed every pistol which Gresham and Pierre Jarrett had found missing, and a cased presentation pair of .44 Colt 1860's that nobody had missed. He signed the triplicate copies willingly; he didn't seem to mind signing himself into jail, as long as he thought he was signing himself out of the electric chair.

Privately, she was not at all sure what he meant, but dread of Miss Hardy's wrath should she be returned to the office marked "Incompetent" forced her to add quickly: "But I'm sure I could learn if if you wouldn't mind showing me how to do it." "I'm sure you could." Barry spoke kindly and she turned to him with a feeling of relief. "When you have typed that article for Mr.

The worst of it was that I was actually typing my manuscripts at the same time I was trying to master that machine. It was a feat of physical endurance and a brain storm combined to type a thousand words, and I was composing thousands of words every day which just had to be typed for the waiting editors. Oh, between the writing and the typewriting I was well a-weary.

"I'll have the facts typed out for you, and you can embroider them yourselves. There's a description of a man we'd like to get hold of not necessarily the murderer, but he might be an important witness. Be sure and put that in." He always had an air of engaging candour when dealing with newspaper men.

So Theydon was introduced to another representative of the department, and handed over the typed note; the detective promised that its purport should be telephoned to Croydon without delay. When the two reached the Embankment again, Theydon felt unaccountably tired, and was minded to take leave of his companion then and there. But Handyside placed an unerring finger on the cause of his weariness.

But under *no* circumstance, he warned, should they speak to the press. Toward the end of the meeting, he told the nineteen that if they wanted to return to the Centre in this life, they must first hand in an essay typed, double-spaced in which they were to confess to and apologize for their hurtful, wicked deeds.

Each person took his own character, and took up the cues to make sure that no blunder had been made in writing them out. Parts at the Lyceum were written, or printed, not typed. These first two rehearsals the one devoted to the reading of the play, and the other to the comparing of the parts, were generally arranged for Thursday and Friday. Then there was two days' grace.

Luck, smoking a cigarette absent-mindedly by the window while he stared out across two vacant lots to a tawdry apartment house, and saw a sage-covered plain instead of what was before his eyes, started from his daydream and glanced at Martinson inquiringly. "Well, what do you think of it?" he asked. Martinson cleared his throat again, and shuffled the typed sheets in his hands.

But when the stenographer had taken her departure and I came to read over the pages she had typed out, I recalled her sudden glances of surprise and the odd way she had looked up at me while I was dictating. I was amazed at what I read and could hardly believe I had uttered it." "And why?" "It was so distorted.