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A tipsy tramp, with his battered bowler over one eye, wheezed out, 'Drunk again! with an accent of weary philosophy. 'Syme old tyle. 'Then the policemen got nearer, and I saw' she waited an instant 'a little thin, half-starved boy. What do you think he was charged with? 'Travellin' first with a third-class ticket. A boy offered a page out of personal history. 'Stealing.

The subtle incense of luxury that she diffused banished responsibility. In her soft sensuous blood the lusty beat of duty had small play. But even while he yielded to the allure of Valencia Van Tyle, admitting a finish of beauty to which mere youth could not aspire, all that was idealistic in him went out to the younger cousin whose admiration and shy swift friendship he was losing.

Van Tyle listened lazily from a deck chair. "I like the way that red head of his came bobbing through the water," Beauchamp was saying. "Looks to me as if he would take a lot of beating. He's no quitter. Since I haven't the pleasure of knowing Mr. Powers or Senator Frome, I think I'll back Farnum to win." "It's very plain you don't know Joe Powers.

Van Tyle shrugged her shoulders and let it go at that. She was leaning back in an easychair and across its arm her wrist hung. Between the fingers, polished like old ivory to the tapering pink nails, was a lighted cigarette. "Why shouldn't I be pleasant to him? I like him." Her color deepened, but the eyes of the girl did not give way. There was in them a little flare of defiance.

I don't see any reason for it," Alice protested. A shadowy smile lay in the eyes of Mrs. Van Tyle. "Mr. Farnum is in politics, my dear." A fat pork packer from Chicago joined the group. "I've been thinking about the sharks, Mr. Farnum. You played in great luck to escape them." "Sharks!" Jeff heard the young woman beside him give a gasp. In the moonlight her face showed white.

Would he wish you to be friendly with this man?" Alice was silent. What her father would think was not a matter of doubt. "The man's impossible," Mrs. Van Tyle went on pleasantly. "And it's just as well to be careful. Not that I'm very prudish myself. But if you're going to marry Ned Merrill " She had struck the wrong note. Like a flash Alice answered. "I'm not. That's definitely decided."

Odd you and she hadn't met before. Didn't know Verden was such a big town." "I'm not a society man," explained Jeff. "And it happens I've been fighting her father politically for years. Miss Frome and Mrs. Van Tyle are about the last people I would be likely to meet." From his seat Jeff could see the cousins at the other end of the room.

I have said, when limbs were hewn And our wounds were blue and ghastly The flesh of a man may fail and swoon But God shall conquer lastly. Part 4 As Jeff helped her from the cab in front of the block where he lived a limousine flashed past. It caught his glance for an instant, long enough for him to recognize his Cousin James, Mrs. Van Tyle and Alice Frome.

One of the visible signs of his increasing prosperity was a motor car, in which he might frequently be seen driving with the daughter of Joe Powers, to the gratification of its owner and the envy of Verden. The cool indifference with which Mrs. Van Tyle ignored the city's social elite had aroused bitter criticism. Since she did not care a rap for this her escapades were frankly indiscreet.

Van Tyle answered with perfect good humor. "Of course you couldn't want to marry him under any circumstances. His station in life his anarchistic ideas his reputation as a confirmed libertine all of them make the thought of such a thing impossible." Miss Frome's mind seized on only one of the charges. "I don't believe it. I don't believe a word of it.