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My pleasure revived in full force, when I arrived at my author's definition of law: which he states to be 'a rule of civil conduct, prescribed by the supreme power in a state; commanding what is right, and prohibiting what is wrong. What will you say to that, friend Turl? exclaimed I: putting down the book, and pausing. Can any thing be more provident, more wise, more desirable?

The hallway was rather dark as the incomer and outgoer passed each other; but, the servant at that instant lighting the gas, Turl glanced around for a better look, and encountered the other's glance at the same time turned after himself. Each halted, Turl for a scarce perceptible instant, the other for a moment longer.

Turl had recently come to the same house to live, and her father had taken him up. His going there to live looks like another queer thing." "There seems to be a hull bunch o' queer things about this Mr. Turl. I guess he's wuth studyin'." "I should think so. Let's put these queer things together in chronological order.

Turl, I yesterday thought myself surrounded by friends: I now come to you; and should you refuse to hear me, I have not a friend in the world to whom I can relate the injustice that has been done me. -Pray speak, Mr. Trevor. If I can do you any service, I most sincerely assure you it will add more to my own happiness, than you will easily imagine.

Out in the hall, when the door of the Kenby suite had closed behind them, Turl said to Larcher: "You've had a good deal of trouble over Murray Davenport, and shown much kindness in his interest. I must apologize for the trouble, as his representative, you know, and thank you for the kindness." "Don't mention either," said Larcher, cordially.

Instead of turning down the Turl, I saw Dennison run down the High, with Lambert pursuing him and telling him to stop.

The person who spoke first was Edna Hill. She had seen Turl less often than the other two had, and Davenport never at all. Hence there was no great stupidity in her remark to Turl: "But I don't understand. I know Mr. Larcher met a man coming through that hallway one night, but it turned out to be you." "Yes, it was I," was the quiet answer. "The name of the new man, you see, was Francis Turl."

Bud's hallway that night: there could be no doubt of your love for Murray Davenport. What had caused your silence, which had made him think you false, I dared not as Turl inquire. Larcher once alluded to a misunderstanding, but it wasn't for me Turl to show inquisitiveness. My hope, however, now was that you would forget Davenport that the way would be free for the newcomer.

I next intended accurately to revise my defence of the articles, as soon as I should recover the copy from the bishop; to turn the conversation with Turl occasionally on that subject, that I might refute his objections; and then to publish the work. For ordination I would apply elsewhere, being determined never to suffer pollution by the unholy touch of that prelate.

Turl, that failure is rather the consequence of our own mistakes, impatience, and efforts ill directed, than of society: but the ill success of my own efforts, aided perhaps by the prejudices which I received from my father, have preponderated; and made me it may be too frequently incline to melancholy, and misanthropy. What can be said?