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Murray, I know you do entirely believe me when I utter these words." A tinge of red leaped into his cheek, something that would have been called hope in any other man's eyes looked out shyly under his heavy black lashes, and a tremor shook off the sneering curl of his bloodless lips.

The girl was counselled by the tremor of her instincts to forbear to speak of the minor circumstance, that her mistress had, besides a good stick, a good companion on the road to Croridge: and she rejoiced to think her mistress had him, because it seemed an intimation of justice returning upon earth. She was combative, a born rebel against tyranny.

As she turned to leave him, with a strict injunction to do it well, he raised his hat from his head and turned reverently towards her. "I'll do it as well as mortal hands can do it ma'am" he said with a tremor in his hoarse husky voice. "You're the first woman as has spoken a kind word to me since since I buried the one that 'ud have made my life different if she'd lived." "Your mother?"

The night did not pass so quietly as that which had preceded it. The distant howling of the wolves, as they hunted in the forest, kept the horses in a tremor of terror and excitement, and their riders were obliged over and over again to rise and go among them, and by speaking to and patting them, to allay their fear.

It was painful to see him. He endeavoured to smile and for a moment to talk triflingly, but could not. He was in a tremor; his mouth parched, his lips white. His next essay was to philosophise; but in this attempt too he was entirely at fault. The passions are all sympathetic, and none more so than this of trepidation.

Many forms of tremor are called neurosis. Now to say that hypnotism is the result of a. neurosis, simply means that a person's nervous system is susceptible to this condition, which, by M. Charcot and his followers, is regarded as abnormal." According to this theory, a person whose nervous system is perfectly healthy could not be hypnotized.

"If it be God's will, they will return." There was a tremor in her voice even as she spoke her brave words, for she knew well the perils of their search. All day long they worked, praying as they prepared the feast that they might share it a united family.

Rare indeed was it to catch Judith indulging in a moment's idleness. She appeared to be holding soliloquy with herself. "It's the most incomprehensible thing in the world! I have heard of ghosts and, talking about ghosts, that child was in a tremor, last night, again I'm sure he was. Brave little heart! he goes up to bed in the dark on purpose to break himself of the fear.

Fancy our mother's son, Laura, trading on such a treason!" "I can't fancy it, dear Arthur," said Laura; seizing Arthur's hand, and kissing it. "No!" broke out Warrington's deep voice, with a tremor; he surveyed the two generous and loving young people with a pang of indescribable love and pain. "No. Our boy can't meddle with such a wretched intrigue as that.

The old man and the girl still sat together in the window-seat, silent now like the others. They had had their explanations in the boat, and each knew what was in the other's heart. Chris and Nicholas stood by the hearth, Mr. Morris by the door; and there was not the tremor of a doubt in any of them as to what the future held.