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Moore, the barber, who was making his lingering adieux there, this person drew near, and just as the tonsor made his final farewell, and strode down the street towards his own dwelling, he presented himself in time to arrest the retreat of the damsel. 'By your leave, Mistress Katty, said he, laying his hand on the iron rail of the door-steps. 'Oh, good jewel! an' is that yourself, Mr. Irons?

And, indeed, talking of customers, I have left my shop and my reputation too long in the custody of my slow Sandro, who does not deserve even to be called a tonsor inequalis, but rather to be pronounced simply a bungler in the vulgar tongue. So with your permission, Messer Bardo, I will take my leave well understood that I am at your service whenever Maso calls upon me.

A cold sweat covered Fletcher's shivering limbs, and for a moment he stood irresolute; but recollecting Bullion, he rallied himself, and, assenting to the proposition, bade Sandford good-bye; then, as the only revenge practicable, he cursed him with the heartiest emphasis, when his back was turned. Presently Tonsor came with the news of Kerbstone's failure.

But neither he nor other sufferers had any remedy; stocks were worth only what they would bring; prices must take care of themselves; and the calm, determined bids of Tonsor were like the voice of Fate. In his extremity, Sandford thought of Monroe, and remembering his own personal responsibility for the sum he had received, he determined to "hedge."

But the office was not even opened; and, looking through the glass door, he saw that there was no fire in the grate. What was the meaning of this? Going into the street, he met Tonsor near the post-office. At the first sight of the broker's face, Fletcher's heart seemed to stop beating. "Good-morning, Fletcher. Bad business, this! I suppose you've heard. Bullion went to protest yesterday.

"It will be best to draw that," thought he, "for there's no knowing what may happen." And the office-boy was dispatched with a check for the amount. "Let us see what other resources. There are Monroe's notes, ten thousand dollars. I can raise something on them. I'll borrow from Tonsor, who seems to have funds enough."

The wily tonsor bowed, sighed, and smiled, as, with a voice even softer than ordinary, he wished the youth a good evening; and they parted, Quentin to his quarters, and Oliver to attend the King.

Probably, now, he will give me a better trade, for there is considerable more due." "Oh, John! how glad I am! You will do it to-morrow, won't you, now?" "Yes, I'll settle with him to-morrow." He was thinking of the fact that Tonsor had bought shares for Bullion, and he wondered what the move meant.

Almost at the same moment Bullion came also; for Tonsor, fearing that Fletcher would take some desperate step, had been to the surly bankrupt's house and insisted upon his coming down to see his unfortunate agent. Just at the office-door, and opposite the carriage, met the two bankrupts, the disgraced "bull" and the vanquished "bear."

The serving-maidens, bringing him hot water for his ablutions, smiling asked, "Would he have his couch warmed at eve?" One might have been sure from their blushes that the tough old soldier made an arch reply. The family tonsor came to know whether the noble Count had need of his skill.