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And as to this raft of yours if raft you call her she is simply a wonder; why she turns to windward like a racing cutter. I am sure I should never have dreamed of scheming out anything half so handy. You engineers are very clever people, there is no denying that, and can even give an old salt like myself a wrinkle now and then, as I have learned before to-day.

"You must not let this thing prey on your mind, Miss Morton," he said. "We are going to put a stop to it, and that very soon." "I hope so, Mr. Duvall," the girl replied. "If you don't, I'm afraid I shall break down completely." "I think we had better go home at once," Mrs. Morton said. "Ruth is in no condition to do any more work to-day." "I quite agree with you about going, Mrs.

I wrote from seven to half-past two; but, partly that I had five proof-sheets to correct, partly that like old John Fraser "I was not very cleever to-day." I made out but a page and a half. September 5. Wrote task and half a page more. Terry arrived and brought with him a Mr. Bruce, from Persia, with an introduction, forsooth, from Mr. Blackwood.

And I do not hesitate to express the opinion that if the question here to-day were whether any qualification should be imposed upon white voters in this District, if they alone were concerned, this House would not, ay, not ten men upon this floor would, consider whether any qualifications should be imposed or not.

The tyranny of the bureaucracy, the corruption of fashionable society, the sufferings of the humble classes, the hollow formalism of the Church, make Russia particularly ripe for the true Gospel just as true to-day as when given to the world in Palestine. Sixty years ago Gogol wrote: "What is it that is most truly Russian?

Father and I were passengers in the same steamer in which he came from Liverpool a few weeks ago. He had an ill turn in the early part of the voyage, and it was in a professional way that father first made his acquaintance. I was surprised at seeing him on board to-day, for he mentioned no such intention yesterday."

Indeed, success was mine for some short months, though now I must meet failure. I have this to console me that 'twas failure not of my own fault. As for France, I loved her. As for America, I believe in her to-day, this very hour. As for your Grace in person, I was your friend, nor was I ever disloyal to you.

"Pray Heaven no submarine turns up here to-day!" I had gone out to the bare northern headland and was heading home again for tea when I happened to see on the road a small knot of these blue jackets, just parting from a couple of countrymen. This pair turned towards me and in a moment I recognised my acquaintances Peter Scollay junior and Jock. Mr.

Daisy sat a moment with a thoughtful look in her eyes; then she said slowly, as if sorry for the words: "It isn't a stupid, grown-up world. It's a very pleasant, young world; and I like it a great deal better this morning than I did last night." "I'm glad of that; and, even if we don't find our fairy to-day, you will have found some sunshine, Daisy, and that is almost as good.

My pains were those of the heart, and had something flattering in their character; if in the head, it was from the blow of a bludgeon gallantly received and well paid back. I went to the meeting of the Commissioners; there was none to-day. The carriage had set me down; so I walked from the college in one of the sourest and most unsocial days which I ever felt. Why should I have liked this?