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I was glad to hear this, for I was greatly in need of money, and I asked him what it was he wanted me to do. "'You know Timothy Barker, said he. 'Well, Timothy and I have had a misunderstanding, and I want you to be a referee or umpire between us, to set things straight. "'Very good, said I, 'and what is the point of difference?

"Don't you remember how fond he was of quoting, 'Praise to the face is open disgrace'?" The late Sir Timothy, like many middle-class people, had taken a compliment almost as a personal offence; and regarded the utterer, however gracious or sincere, with suspicion. Neither had the squire himself erred on the side of flattering his fellow-creatures.

They do pretty well for this old land, only the seed costs too much, and they make a sight of work, and they're mighty hard to get cured. You see they aren't ready for hay till the hot weather is mostly past. If we could handle them in June and July, as we do timothy we'd have no trouble; but we don't get cowpeas planted till June, and September is a poor time for haying."

"I shouldn't wonder if it did," said Silverbridge. They didn't think that he was going to remain down there talking politics to an old humbug like Sir Timothy when the sun, and moon, and all the stars had gone up into the drawing-room! For at that moment Isabel was making her way to the door. But Sir Timothy had buttonholed him. "Of course it is late now to say anything further about the address.

That dear Timothy said you needed mendin', dreadful!" But she was unaware that this same Timothy was also close at hand. "Oh! he did, did he? Well, he said the true word for once, but bad manners in him all the same," answered Mrs. Fogarty; and, as Glory joined them at the foot of the stairs, there were the two engaged in a sort of scuffle which had more mirth than malice in it.

And never object that some have done it, and yet are at peace in their souls; for peace in a sinful course is one of the greatest of curses. Paul's peace and comfort now at the time of his death, which he signifieth to Timothy by these three expressions, 'I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith.

Less than twenty years ago practically no hay was raised for sale in the Gulf States. The red clover and timothy which the planter thought could only be raised in the North are now cultivated in the South. Iowa, the greatest hay-growing State in the Union, has for the past ten years averaged 1.58 tons per acre at an average value of $5.45 per ton.

"You have guessed right so far: but who do you think that Quaker is?" "There I'm at fault." "Mr Cophagas." At this intelligence Timothy gave a leap in the air, turned round on his heel, and tumbled on the grass in a fit of immoderate laughter. "Cophagus! a Quaker!" cried he at last. "Oh! I long to see him. Snuffle, snuffle broad brims wide skirts and so on. Capital!"

"If shoo can do all that," asked a bystander, "why doesta want to sell her?" The farmer eyed the questioner narrowly, and then, in a sullen voice, answered: "I'm sellin' her because I want to get shut on her. Happen that'll be reason enough for the likes o' thee, Timothy." After more of this altercation one of the younger men, urged on by his comrades, summoned up courage to make a bid.

"It was Mr. Vellum's painful duty to inform him that Sir Timothy would decline to receive him on his return to England; that two hundred a year would be placed annually to his credit at Cox's; but the estates not being entailed, that was the utmost farthing he need ever expect from him."