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All tramps, sooner or later, become petty thieves. Thieving goes with the life of idleness and vagabondage." "I don't know about that," argued Dave. "A lot of men become tramps just through hard luck. I don't believe all of them steal, even small stuff." "I believe they do, if they remain tramps," Dick insisted. "No man is safe who will deliberately go through life without earning his way.

You would tell her he was sick, and start her gently." "Death's different," said I. "Shucks! And she's to find him caged, and waiting for stripes and a shaved head? How d' yu' know she mightn't hate that worse 'n if he'd been just shot like a man in a husband scrape, instead of jailed like a skunk for thieving? No, sir, she mustn't. Think of how it'll be.

Look at the sad results which follow the practice started in so many of our churches the poverty, the thieving, the failures, the breaches of trust, the disgrace and loss of character, and the poor wretches in prison, and others who merit punishment.

To have such a march stolen on him after he had heard and seen the thieves was indeed hard. High time it was that these horse thieves be run to earth. No Indian had planned these marauding expeditions. An intelligent white man was at the bottom of the thieving, and he should pay for his treachery. The colonel's temper, however, soon cooled.

With a laugh, she dashed for the motor car and, when she had sprung inside it, she was panting a little, for the thieving wind had taken advantage of her lips being open in laughter to steal away her breath, so that Donald was sensible of her quickened heart beats as she leaned against him while his big but deft fingers removed the leaf almost tenderly from its imprisoning mesh.

'A thieving set of magpies is all them Saunders cadgin 'ere and cadgin there. He spoke with fierce contempt, the tacit hatred of years leaping to sight. Bessie's bright brown eyes looked at him with sympathy. 'It was just his nassty spite, she said. 'He knew 'ee could never ha done it not what you've done out o' your wages.

I'm sure he must have deserved it, but still you shouldn't have done it. Unless he's accused you of thieving, for no honest man need stand that from any one, not even the king himself." "He he called you Madam Olsen's concubine." Pelle had some difficulty in getting this out. Lasse's mouth grew hard and he clenched his fists. "Oh, he did! Oh, did he!

"It is evident that she chose that day for her date because those two persons had then been called upon to act as witnesses to that other deed." "That of course is our allegation. I only say that we may have some difficulty in proving it." "The crafty, thieving swindler!" exclaimed Mr. Mason.

Subjected to a scrutiny which he had little expected, the deceitful ambassador of the thieving band was rapidly dissipating, and, as those without had so fearsomely noted, was in imminent danger of complete sublimation, which, in the case of one possessed of so little elementary purity, meant nothing short of annihilation.

He was but a bungler on the road, with no more resource than he might have learned from the common chap-book, or from the dying speeches, hawked in Newgate Street. But he had a fine talent for merriment; he loved nothing so well as a smart coat and a pretty woman. Thieving was no passion with him, but a necessity. How could he dance at a masquerade or court his Ellen with an empty pocket?