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People would say I have no right to tell you this, that I am false to my sex in doing so. They don't know. It is easy to theorise when one is not in danger. I tell you because I trust you and know I can trust you. It is such men as you who save women, save them from themselves, as it is such men as Charlie who ruin them as he ruined me."

Such is often the case with important discoveries, but in order to assure ourselves that the doctrine was by no means obvious, we have only to refer back to the writings of skilful naturalists who attempted in the earlier part of the nineteenth century to theorise on this subject, before the invention of this new method of explaining how certain forms are supplanted by new ones and in what manner these last are selected out of innumerable varieties and rendered permanent.

I grew up as a young man with great contempt for Helvetius, D'Holbach, and all the French philosophers of the last century, whose ideal man was a perfect savage; but I must confess that since I have studied gipsy nature, my contempt has changed into wonder where they ever learned in their salons and libraries enough of humanity to theorise so boldly, and with such likeness to truth, as they did.

And if this be true of Poetry if Homer and Shakespeare are what they are, from the absence of everything didactic about them may we not thus learn something of what History should be, and in what sense it should aspire to teach? If Poetry must not theorise, much less should the historian theorise, whose obligations to be true to fact are even greater than the poet's.

If a man would learn to paint, he must not theorise concerning art, nor think much what he would do beforehand, but he must do something whatever under the circumstances will come handiest and easiest to him; and he must do that something as well as he can.

My opinions are fix'd and settled, and I seldom Look into or examine, the, different vague notions of others who write and theorise on that subject. Hence I trust you will not expect me to examine, what you have printed on this subject, or cause to have printed.

Besides his work as a reviewer, which was considerable, Maine wrote in an admirable style, and with a scholarship and sense which, in the recrudescence of more barbaric thought, have brought down socialist and other curses on his head many works on the philosophy of law, politics, and history, the chief of which were his famous Ancient Law , Village Communities , Early Law and Custom , with a severe criticism on Democracy called Popular Government . Few writers of our time could claim the phrase mitis sapentia as Maine could, though it is possible that he was a little too much given to theorise.

Study mechanics, my boy, a little more than you have yet done, before venturing on further inventions, and don't theorise too much. You have been revelling of late in the regions of fancy. Take my advice, and don't do it." "I wont," said I, fervently, "but I cannot give up my cherished pursuits."

You theorise about the influence which the climate and appearance of Attica must have had in ennobling those who were born there: yonder dirty, swindling, ragged blackguards, lolling over greasy cards three hours before noon, quarrelling and shrieking, armed to the teeth and afraid to fight, are bred out of the same land which begot the philosophers and heroes.

His theories have been explained and elucidated to death; hundreds of books have been written about them; never was a man so much explained; never did a man suffer more from the explanations. The day when Wagner began, not to theorise, but to publish his theorisings, was an unlucky one for him.