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Also, she says that he desires to give me a dowry. Away with them all! I am quite happy here with you and good Thedora, whose devotion to me reminds me of my old nurse, long since dead. Distant kinsman though you may be, I pray you always to defend my honour. Other people I do not wish to know, and would gladly forget if I could. . . . What are they wanting with me now?

As to how you are living now, or as to what settlement you have made with your landlady, I know not, for you write nothing concerning those two points, and seem purposely to have left them unmentioned. Au revoir, my friend. Come to me today without fail. You would do better ALWAYS to dine here. Thedora is an excellent cook. Goodbye Your own, August 1st.

What else have I to look for from the future? What more am I to ask of fate? Thedora declares that one need NEVER lose one's happiness; but what, I ask HER, can be called happiness under such circumstances as mine? At all events I see no other road open, dear friend. I see nothing else to be done. I have worked until I have ruined my health. I cannot go on working forever.

Do not be uneasy, my darling. Thedora is a vindictive woman merely a vindictive woman. We shall yet see better days. Only do you get well, my angel only do you get well, for the love of God, lest you grieve an old man. Also, who told you that I was looking thin? Slanders again nothing but slanders! I am as healthy as could be, and have grown so fat that I am ashamed to be so sleek of paunch.

Thedora declares that it would not be a bad thing if we were to remain in this tenement, since if we left it suspicions would arise, and our enemies might take it into their heads to look for us. On the other hand, I do not think it would be well for us to remain here. If I were feeling less sad I would tell you my reason. What a strange man you are, Makar Alexievitch!

She got fifty roubles for it, which is very good I had expected less. Of the fifty roubles I shall give Thedora three, and with the remainder make myself a plain, warm dress. Also, I am going to make you a waistcoat to make it myself, and out of good material. Also, Thedora has brought me a book "The Stories of Bielkin" which I will forward you, if you would care to read it.

What were my feelings when Thedora informed me that you had been discovered drunk in the street, and taken home by the police? Why, I felt petrified with astonishment although, in view of the fact that you had failed me for four days, I had been expecting some such extraordinary occurrence.

Goodbye, goodbye. Christ watch over you, my darling! Always your faithful friend, June 27th. MY DEAREST MAKAR ALEXIEVITCH Thedora tells me that, should I wish, there are some people who will be glad to help me by obtaining me an excellent post as governess in a certain house. What think you, my friend? Shall I go or not?

What is to become of me I do not know. I tremble and sob and weep. Indeed, even to write this letter has cost me two hours. At least it might have been thought that Anna would have confessed HER share in the past. Yet see what she says! ... For the love of God do not be anxious about me, my friend, my only benefactor. Thedora is over apt to exaggerate matters. I am not REALLY ill.

The point, however, is that other people did not stop their ears, but, on the contrary, pricked them. Indeed, I am at a loss what to do. Really this wretched rabble has driven me to extremities. It all began with my hearing a strange rumour from Thedora namely, that an unworthy suitor had been to visit you, and had insulted you with an improper proposal.