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Francia: "Jose must have been a loose-made tawny creature, much given to taciturn reflection, probably to crying humours, with fits of vehement ill nature subject to the terriblest fits of hypochondria."

But the most fearful and tumultuous coil and stir, the terriblest and most boisterous garboil and hurry, the chiefest rustling black santus of all, and most principal hurlyburly springeth from the grievously plangorous howling and lowing of devils, who pell-mell, in a hand-over-head confusion, waiting for the poor souls of the maimed and hurt soldiery, receive unawares some strokes with swords, and so by those means suffer a solution of and division in the continuity of their aerial and invisible substances; as if some lackey, snatching at the lard-slices stuck in a piece of roast meat on the spit, should get from Mr.

"Thank God!" cried the doctor. "I thought it was Nelson." Sandy passed through the dining-room and was starting up the steps when he heard his name spoken. "Mist' Sandy! 'Fore de Lawd, where you been at? Oh, we been habin' de terriblest times! My pore old mas'r done been shot down wifout bein' notified or nuthin'. Pray de Lawd he won't die! I knowed somepin' was gwine happen.

Charlottenburg is a delicious abode: Friedrich does the honors there, the King knowing nothing of it.... One lives at Potsdam as in the Chateau of a French Seigneur who had culture and genius, in spite of that big Battalion of Guards, which seems to me the terriblest Battalion in this world. D'Argens is Chamberlain, with a gold key at his breast-pocket, and 100 louis inside, payable monthly.

"Blue Beard!" echoed her mother in astonishment at this childish freak of amusement. "Not really on this hot day." "Um, hum," nodded Virgie emphatically. "You know he he he was the terriblest old man that that ever was. An' he had so many wifses that " "Say 'wives, my darling. Wives." Sally Ann laughed and Virgie frowned.

"An' I guess that he an' all of us have got a lot more comin'," said the Ring Tailed Panther grimly. "Cos ain't goin' to give up here without the terriblest struggle of his life. He can't afford to do it." "Reckon you're right," said Obed.

I've no doubt that ef me an' Jim Hart was a-hittin' an' a-wrastlin', an' hevin' the terriblest fight you ever heard on, ef any woman wuz to come along she'd pull me off the ornery, long-legged, knock-kneed, ugly Jim Hart an' me a handsome man, too." "I wonder all the ice on the lake don't melt when it sees your face, Sol Hyde," retorted Jim Hart scornfully.

Of all the old black gin ideas, I always think that the terriblest. A nice state of affairs, if people couldn't get honest civilised rights without being young and pretty; and the fools!" said the girl heatedly, "can't they look round and see how long the beauty and youth business will work!

Friedrich Wilhelm kept by Marlborough, now as formerly; friend Leopold being commonly in Eugene's quarter, who well knew the worth of him, ever since Blenheim and earlier. Friedrich Wilhelm saw hot service, that campaign of 1709; siege of Tournay, and far more; stood, among other things, the fiery Battle of Malplaquet, one of the terriblest and deadliest feats of war ever done.