United States or El Salvador ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I met with a fellow, a sort of swaggering cheap-jack penny-a-liner, who swore that there was no man so learned as himself in all Ghadames, and that he would teach me the history of Ghadames, and all the world, for money. He then followed me home, asked me for my journal, and wrote in it five lines of Arabic poetry. Meanwhile I poured him out a cup of tea, putting a large lump of sugar in it.

I told him I was alone in London, at the Ritz. It was Blackwell's bank I pretended to be looking for. Then we had tea." The girl paused. Presently she continued: "That's how it began: You're mistaken to imagine that Sir Henry Marquis presented me to this American. It was the other way about; I presented Sir Henry. I had the run of the Ritz," she went on. "We all do if we scatter money.

Then he curled up with a satisfied grunt on the chesterfield beside which he knew tea would be placed. Gillian looked about her with a sigh. The room, much as she loved it, had never been the same to her since that December afternoon that seemed so much longer than a bare eighteen months ago. The peace it had given formerly was gone.

The actual making of the tea he relegated to Ernestine. "A woman does it better than a man," he said. And while she was thus occupied, he produced cups and saucers, and a tin of biscuits, and laid the cloth. Finally, he seated himself on the grass below her, and began with evident enjoyment to partake with her of the meal thus provided.

And so the matter providentially comes to pass, and "enterprises of great pith and moment" oftenest get no farther than the Bahamas. Nassau produces neither hay nor corn, these, together with butter, flour, and tea, being brought chiefly from the United States. Politics, of course, it has none.

She'll do it too," he added with a pathetic note of pride in his voice. "She's got nerve enough for anything." He drew a long breath, and Aggie poured him a third cup of tea. "I dare say this will finish everything," he said dejectedly. "I can't offer her any excitement like this. We live in a quiet suburb, where nobody ever fires a revolver except on the Fourth of July."

"And then all of a sudden he walked over to me! 'Come! he said, putting his hand on my shoulder and speaking in a voice which he had the trick of making wonderfully amiable. 'Dear me, dear me! How I must bore you with my old relics. You want some tea and muffins or something of the kind, eh?

"Of course, she was terribly excited and upset at first, but she was quite calm and rational all the way down, as Gerald will tell you. All Beth wants now is quiet and change, and to feel that her troubles are over. Let's go and have tea in that grand old hall. If the others don't care to come in to tea we will try not to be offended."

"I thought you might like to have some tea," began the Prophet, in his most soothing manner, while Mr. Ferdinand, with pursed lips, softly arranged that beverage upon the seat which Mr. Sagittarius so we must call him had just vacated. "Thank you," said Madame Sagittarius, with dignity. "It would be acceptable.

Victor had tea in a special corner of the officers' smoking-room every afternoon he would have perished without it and the steward always produced some special garnishes of toast and jam or sweet biscuit for him. Claude usually managed to join him at that hour. On the day of Tannhauser's funeral he went into the smoking-room at four.