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"Singing was a favorite mode of passing the evenings with the young folks at the Bridges's home, and I cursed myself for being tuneless. "It finally settled down to a race between Tamplin and myself, and each of us was doing his level best.

'And do you, he continued, addressing his driver, who was no other than the respectable Tamplin, 'follow at a walking pace. Have they ordered on? he asked, slipping a crown into the night-watchman's hand. 'I think not, your honour, the man answered. 'I believe they are staying. With a word of satisfaction Mr. Pomeroy hurried his unwilling companion towards the inn.

Mr. Thomasson was less fortunate. Bully Pomeroy's dying words and the evidence of the man Tamplin were not enough to bring the crime home to him. But representations were made to his college, and steps were taken to compel him to resign his Fellowship. Before these came to an issue, he was arrested for debt, and thrown into the Fleet.

Then he beat it down. "Tamplin's staunch," he muttered. "I must stand by Tamplin. I owe pay him five pounds for " A gush of blood stopped his utterance. He gasped and with a groan but no articulate word fell forward in Soane's arms. Bully Pomeroy had lost his last stake!

"It was a long letter and just as I finished it, I heard some one in the hall. I thought it was a servant and started for the doorway to ask her to carry my message. It was the nurse. "I was partly concealed by the portieres. She was facing the door, her finger on her lips, and before her stood Dandy Tamplin. "'It's all right' she whispered, 'be still, and both of them tiptoed upstairs.

Dennis had put in a big fire for the hill, and then gone skylarking around the station, and I was in the dark glaring at Dandy Tamplin in the light. "The blow-off cock on this engine was on the right side and opened from the cab.

"This, then was why I could not see Madelene. Dandy Tamplin was her accepted lover. "That night I left the old home for good to seek my fortunes and forgetfulness far away. I didn't care where, so long as it was a great way off. "At New York I found some engineers going out to run on the Meig's road in Peru. I signed a contract and in two days was on the Atlantic, bound for the Isthmus of Panama.

"At last I mustered up courage and asked: 'How is Tamplin? 'All right, working right along, but takes it hard, said Bridges. "'Was he laid up long? Is he as badly disfigured as I am? "'Why, man, he wasn't touched. He had gone to the other end of the room for a drink of water. I'm afraid, my boy, its Madelene he's worried about. "'She has refused him then? "'Well, I don't know that.

"As I registered I heard one of the other despatchers, behind a partition, telling some one that he was going to work Dandy's trick until eleven o'clock, and then the two entered into a discussion of Dandy's quest of the 'old man's' niece, one of them remarking that all the opposition he had was Hopkins and that wasn't worth considering. I resolved to get to Bridges's ahead of Tamplin.

I got in a theatre or two before the other young fellows caught on. About this time there was a dance, and I lost my grip. I took Madelene but couldn't dance, and all the others could, especially Dandy Tamplin, one of the train despatchers. "I took private dancing lessons, however, and squared myself that way.