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Snatching it violently out of his hands, he walked away with the Taoist, under a lofty stone portal, on the face of which appeared in large type the four characters: "T'ai Hsue Huan Ching," "The Visionary limits of the Great Void." On each side was a scroll with the lines: When falsehood stands for truth, truth likewise becomes false, Where naught be made to aught, aught changes into naught.

He then presented himself as Chu I, the envoy of Shang Ti. Addressing himself to Lu Ch'i, he asked: "Do you wish to live in the Crystal Palace?" The latter did not reply. T'ai Yin urged him to give his answer, but he persisted in keeping silent.

'I must, it said, 'get reborn in visible form; until I can go through a new birth I shall remain empty and unsettled, His soul, carried on the wings of the wind, reached Fu-yü T'ai. There it saw a saintly lady named T'ai Yüan, forty years of age, still a virgin, and living alone on Mount Ts'u-o. Air and variegated clouds were the sole nourishment of her vital spirits.

Provinces Fengtien: |Locality |District |Mineral | | | |Niu Hsin T'ai |Pen-hsi |Coal |Tien Shih Fu Kou |Pen-hsi |Coal |Sha Sung Kang |Hai-lung |Coal |T'ieh Ch'ang |Tung-hua |Coal |Nuan Ti T'ang |Chin |Coal |An Shan Chan region |From Liaoyang to Pen-hsi |Iron I avail, etc., His Excellency, Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister. Reply Peking, the 25th day of the 5th month of the 4th year of Taisho.

While on the Monkey's back the Demon, by magic skill, threw Mount Mêru on to Sun's head, but the Monkey warded it off with his left shoulder, and walked on. Then the Demon threw Mount Ô-mei on to Sun's head, and this he warded off with his right shoulder, and walked on, much to the Demon's surprise. Lastly the Demon caused T'ai Shan to fall on to his head. This at last stunned the Monkey.

T'ai I is variously represented as the Ruler of the Five Celestial Sovereigns, Cosmic Matter before it congealed into concrete shapes, the Triune Spirit of Heaven, earth, and T'ai I as three separate entities, an unknown Spirit, the Spirit of the Pole Star, etc., but practically the Taoists confine their T'ai I to T'ai-i Chên-jên, in which Perfect Man they personify the abstract philosophical notions.

Not out of any belief that the T'ai P'ing movement was without justification, but because they had concluded treaties with the Manchu government and given loans to it, of which nothing would have remained if the Manchus had fallen; because they preferred the weak Manchu government to a strong T'ai P'ing government; and because they disliked the socialistic element in many of the measured adopted by the T'ai P'ing.

T'ai Sui is also the Ministry itself, whose members, numbering a hundred and twenty, are set over time, years, months, and days. The conception is held by some writers to be of Chaldeo-Assyrian origin. Under this dynasty the sacrifices were offered to T'ai Sui and to the ruling gods of the months and of the days. The Planet Jupiter T'ai Sui corresponds to the planet Jupiter.

Shên Kung-pao said: "You will not go back on your word?" Tzu-ya said: "When your elder brother has spoken his word is as unchangeable as Mount T'ai, How can there be any going back on my word?" The Soaring Head Shên Kung-pao then doffed his Taoist cap, seized his sword, with his left hand firmly grasped the blue thread binding his hair, and with his right cut off his head.

One morning, as the doctor rode silently beside him, he broke into a low-toned singing. His voice was a mellow baritone, and the words he sung, each verse ending with a plaintive burden, were French: "Il y a longtemps que je t'ai aimé jamais je ne t'oublierai." Long ago the doctor had heard his wife sing the same words, and he turned with a start: "Where did you learn that song?"