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He imagined that their appearance must have been somewhat startling, but he knew it takes a good deal to disturb the equanimity of a Hudson Bay Scot. "From Sweetwater; but we have been up in the timber belt since winter set in. Now we have run out of provisions and my partner's lamed by snowshoe trouble." "Ay," said the man; "I suspected something o' the kind. But maybe ye'll be wanting supper?"

It is rather wonderful to think that this water was carried with us by pipe line all the way from the Canal, and was actually Nile water brought to Kantara by the Sweetwater Canal. The banks of the Wadi Ghuzzeh were almost everywhere precipitous, and anything from ten to twenty feet high.

The lady key pounder grabs hold of both sides of her table and almost swallows her tuttifrutti, the ostrich necked chap turns pea green, and Mr. Pepper swings his door open and sings out, real cheerful: "Mr. Sweetwater, can't you get yourself mobbed without being so noisy about it? What's up, anyway?" But Sweetwater wasn't a lightnin' calculator.

Catching up her child, she slid into the kitchen and sat down with it, in the first chair she came to. Sweetwater following her, took up his stand in the doorway, unobtrusive, but patiently waiting for her to speak.

He turned quickly on George who had certainly uttered an ejaculation, but receiving no reply, went on with his task, completing it with a care and a disregard of their presence which showed him up in still another light. But even his hardihood showed shock, when, upon turning round with a brisk, "Now I'm ready to talk," he encountered again the clear eye of Sweetwater.

"Yes, in a day, or in a week, possibly in a month. But persistence and a protean adaptability to meet his moods might accomplish something. I don't say will, I only say might. If Sweetwater had the job, with unlimited time in which to carry out any plan he may have, or even for a change of plans to suit a changed idea, success might be his, and both time, effort and outlay justified."

"At the request of a personal friend, an officer from Chicago, we dropped in for breakfast and also to see if the boys needed any assistance." "Boys," Seth said, turning to the astonished group of youngsters, "this is Sheriff Gilmore of Sweetwater county, and this," pointing to the other, "is Doyle, one of his deputies. They are both good fellows."

And Frederick's manner? Was it that of an honest man simply shocked by the suspicions which had fallen upon the woman he loved? Had he, Sweetwater, not observed certain telltale moments in his late behaviour that required a deeper explanation even than this? The cry, for instance, with which he had rushed from the empty ballroom into the woods on the opposite side of the road!

Emotion enough, but not of the right sort. Well, we'll leave them to Sweetwater. Our business is above." The Curator offered his arm. The old man made a move to take it then drew himself up with an air of quiet confidence. "Many thanks," said he, "but I can go alone. Rheumatism is my trouble, but these mild days loosen its grip upon my poor old muscles."

I have no wish to attract attention to myself, or to be identified with the police until the necessity is forced upon me." "Then we won't go in together," decided Hexford. "Find your own place; you won't have any difficulty. A crowd isn't expected. Miss Cumberland's condition forbids it." Sweetwater nodded and slid in at the side door.