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"I suppose from your clothes you must be a soldier. What is that figure 7 on your hat for?" "The number of my regiment, the Seventh Cavalry." Her glance was a bit disdainful as she coolly surveyed him from head to foot, "I should imagine that a strong, capable-appearing fellow like you might do much better than that. There is so much work in the world worth doing, and so much better pay."

Sutter was monarch of all he surveyed, and had authority to inflict punishment even unto death, a power he did not fail to use. He had horses, cattle, and sheep, and of these he gave liberally and without price to all in need. He caused to be driven into our camp a beef and some sheep, which were slaughtered for our use. Already the goldmines were beginning to be felt.

The German did so. Quickly handcuffs were snapped on. "Shackle his legs," said Jack. The sailors needed no urging. Quickly the German's legs were shackled with the heavy iron. Jack took a couple of steps back and surveyed his prisoner.

We will read Sorel together he is beautiful, like poetry and the great poets, Dante and Petrarch and Tasso yes, and d'Annunzio. We shall live." "We are living, now," she answered. The look with which she surveyed him he found enigmatic. And then, abruptly, she rose and went to her typewriter. "You don't believe what I say!" he reproached her. But she was cool.

I'm sousing all the liquor I can get my hooks on, an' it's all the sweeter because of you boys. Outside my duty to the railroad company I wouldn't raise a finger to stop a gallon of good rye comin' into town, no, not if the penitentiary was yearnin' to swallow me right up." Fyles's purposeful eyes surveyed the man with a thoughtful smile. "Just so," he said coolly.

Miss Gething smiled, and leaning against the side surveyed, with some interest, the dark water and the sleeping town. She did not move when Wilson came and stood by her, and when he took her hand, made no protest. "I'm not satisfied yet," said Wilson, raising her hand to his lips.

Green, speaking very rapidly, "of them living here with us, and saving house-rent and furniture." Mr. Letts surveyed him with a dejected eye. "It would be a fine start for them," continued the benevolent Mr. Green. Mr. Letts, by a strong effort, regained his composure. "I must have a look at him first," he said, briskly. "He mightn't meet with my approval." "Eh?" said Mr. Green, starting.

This exclamation came with the discovery of an approaching horseman. "It's Mr. Shaw I'm sure." Randolph Shaw, loyal to his feudal promise, appeared in the road a couple of hundred yards away. He drew rein and from that distance surveyed the two who were so near to encroaching upon his preserves. He sat straight and forbidding in the saddle. For a full minute the two factions stared at each other.

He surveyed the piled furniture, the economically managed carpet, the unpleasing pictures on the wall. Why had he felt remorse? Why had he entertained this illusion of a helpless woman crying aloud in the pitiless darkness for him? He peered into the unfathomable mysteries of the heart, and ducked back to a smaller issue. Was he feeble? The eggs came up.

I felt as though someone had jumped from behind a door, and shouted "Boo!" at me. I hoped in my heart that the colonel would give the fellow eight hours' pack drill. "What a remarkable sentry," I said. Aiken shoved his hands into his breeches pockets, and surveyed the man with an expression of the most violent disgust. "You've got a damned queer idea of a joke," he said finally.