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You were born to be a gondolier. It cannot be that you do anything else as well, or that you like any other life, really. Wait," she commanded, as he seemed about to interpose. "You must let me finish. I want, I want " and a sudden confusion seized her; "I want to make you a present of a gondola." She paused and looked down upon him, with earnest, supplicating eyes.

I who so lately knew of nought but the joy of life; who had slept only to dream sweet dreams and awoke to incomparable happiness, I now passed my days and nights in tears. I who sought and had found joy in the love-breathing countenance of my father now when I dared fix on him a supplicating look it was ever answered by an angry frown.

For if we really be the creatures of God, and, as such, dependent on His providential bounty, and subject to His righteous government, it is self-evidently natural and right that we should, as intelligent and responsible beings, acknowledge His supreme dominion and our absolute dependence by supplicating the aids both of His providence and grace.

At the smallest approach of the idea toward actuality, the recollection rushed scorching back of how she had implored him, how she had humbled herself soul and body before him, how he had turned from her with loathing, would not put forth a hand to lift her from destruction and to restore her to peace, had left her naked on the floor, nor once returned "to ask the spotted princess how she fares" and she shrunk with agony from any real thought of again supplicating his mercy.

So saying, he rose from above the man of the woods, and permitted him. also to arise. The creature seemed sensible of the clemency, for he muttered in a low and supplicating tone, which seemed at once to crave for mercy, and to return thanks for what he had already experienced.

She thought it odd that he should be jealous without having the right to be jealous; but this did not displease her. When they reached the Corso, they saw Miss Bell and Madame Marmet coming out of the dressmaker's shop. Dechartre said to Therese, in an imperious and supplicating voice: "I must speak to you. I must see you alone tomorrow; meet me at six o'clock at the Lungarno Acciaoli."

And after bestowing another supplicating glance at her son from the door, she went away, pulling up the shawl which was trailing after her, pale, bent, with a head which still trembled, and we heard her coughing all the way down the stairs. The head-master gazed intently at Franti, amid the silence of the class, and said to him in accents of a kind to make him tremble:

Henriette gave me a supplicating look, making me understand that she could not employ on my behalf an authority to which she had recourse to protect her children. I at once answered the count seriously, taking up the political question, and managing his peevish spirit with the utmost care. "Poor dear! poor dear!" she murmured two or three times; the words reaching my ear like a gentle breeze.

Rapidly, and as if impelled, despite herself, Marsa caught the wrist of her husband in her icy hand, and, terrified, supplicating, she cried, in a wild, broker voice: "No, no, I implore you! No! Do not read it! Do not read it!" He contemplated her coldly, and, forcing himself to be calm, asked: "What does this parcel of Michel Menko's contain?" "I do not know," gasped Marsa. "But do not read it!

"The spectacle of Pocahontas in an attitude of entreaty, with her hair loose, and her eyes streaming with tears, supplicating with her enraged father for the life of Captain Smith when he was about to crush the head of his prostrate victim with a club, is a situation equal to the genius of Raphael.