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"Wall," sez he, with a wise, shrewd look, "as fur as the elevator is concerned, I believe I could fix that on a endless chain keep it a-runnin' all the time, sunthin' like perpetual motion." "How could we git on it?" sez I coldly. "Catch on," sez he; "it would be worth everything to both on us to make us spry and limber-jinted."

And she got acquainted with G. Washington too, so they say. He wuz a stiddy, quiet man, and she had got to lookin' on him as her banker and business man. But they say she liked him real well, come to get acquainted with him. He always jest worshipped her, so they are real happy. There wuz always sunthin' kinder good about Miss Flamm. Thos. And he is carryin' it stiddy and safe.

If it wuz a good pint of sweetened vinegar and ginger, I'd fall in with the idee." Sez I, "Keep still, Josiah; they're a-lookin' at you." "Wall, let 'em look," sez he, out loud and defiant. "Consomme of chicken a la princess what do we want of Princesses here, or Queens, or Dukesses we want sunthin' to eat! Devilish crabs do you want some, Samantha?"

But Josiah hurried me down Philey and wanted to get my mind offen Mary Dee I knew, for he says as we come under a sign hangin' down over the road, "Horse Exchange," sez he, "What do you say, Samantha, do you spose I could change off the old mair, for a camel or sunthin'? How would you like a camel to ride?"

Elder Wessel wuz so browbeat that he kinder got offen his subject, and with a dazed look he murmured sunthin' about "the wicked religion of Cuba when the Americans took it the Papal indulgences, the cruel bull fights, the national recreations you could always tell the low state of a nation's civilization by the brutish recreations they indulged in."

"No, I won't; I am tryin' to put on style, Samantha, and buy you sunthin' stylish to eat." "Wall, you needn't," sez I; "I have lost my appetite." "Siberian Punch! Let him come on," sez Josiah; "if I can't use my fists equal to any dum Siberian that ever trod shoe leather, then I'll give in." Then three wimmen giggled, and the waiters began to look mad and troubled.

She wuz a-holdin' that right arm up towards the Heavens; the fingers wuz curved a little they seemed to be begenin' to sunthin' up in the sky to come down and bless the world. Mebby it wuz Justice she wuz a-callin' on to come down and watch over the rights of wimmen. Anyway, she looked as well agin with both arms on her.

Thinkin' 'bout sunthin' else, most likely most of 'em are." Harlan, most assuredly, was "thinkin' 'bout sunthin' else." In fact, he was possessed by portentous uneasiness. There was well-defined doubt in his mind regarding his reception at the Jack-o'-Lantern.

We wuz a goin' by the 'Piscopal church then, and he sez a lookin' at it, as if he wuz sorry for it, "What a pity that such likely folks as they be, should believe in such eronious doctrines. Why," sez he, "I have hearn that they believe that the bread at communion is changed into sunthin' else.

And when I see Josiah wuz sot on hirin' him to do the job I felt dretful, for he wuz no more fit for it than our brindle cow to do fine sewin', or our old steer to give music lessons on the banjo. He wuz a creeter I never liked, always tryin' to invent sunthin' and always failin. But Josiah insisted on havin' him because he wuz so much cheaper.