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"Who's going to kill you?" and looking round, I had soon found and cut down a stout young sapling, which I trimmed into a pole, Pomp watching me the while with a piteous expression on his countenance. "There," I said, when I had done, and provided myself with a stout pole about ten feet long. "Oh! Ow!" burst forth Pomp in a terrified howl. "What's the matter now?" I cried in astonishment.

Of Bougie and its stout Spanish garrison the brothers had had quite enough for the present: they sought, in consequence, for some harbour which presented equal advantages of situation, and their choice fell upon Jigelli, then belonging to the Genoese, who occupied a strong castle in this place.

He told me I might put the horse up, and I did so. But I felt that the day of settlement would come as soon as the squire departed. At dinner-time I was sometimes required to stay in the store, and I was directed to do so on this day. I selected a couple of stout clothes-lines, a shingling hatchet, and put up two pounds of ten-penny nails.

Then he clapped his horn to his lips and winded a blast that went echoing sweetly down the forest paths. "Ay, marry," quoth he again, "thou art a tall lad, and eke a brave one, for ne'er, I bow, is there a man betwixt here and Canterbury Town could do the like to me that thou hast done." "And thou," quoth the stranger, laughing, "takest thy cudgeling like a brave heart and a stout yeoman."

Now while Ashipattle was still a lad, but a tall, stout one, a great misfortune fell upon the kingdom, for a Stoorworm rose up out of the sea; and of all Stoorworms it was the greatest and the worst. For this reason it was called the Meester Stoorworm.

"I shall be delighted," said Miss Snagg, "but I'm afraid there's hardly time to write them before we begin, is there?" "Oh, but it would be all right to write them afterwards," chorussed several ladies who understood such things; "it's quite often done that way." "And I should like to move that we vote a constitution," said a stout lady with a double eye-glass. "Is that carried?" said Mrs.

He sent word that he wished in no way to interfere with her, or even to see her. She experienced no further trouble, therefore, on this score. Little by little she gave almost all she had to the poor. She worked for them several hours a day, making stout shirts and such things for them.

"He was a very remarkable man in appearance; very stout, with a long face, a slight scar on his chin, and a cast in his eye." "Do you remember which of them?" "Indeed I don't, an' it wouldn't be raison able that I should, afther sich a distance of time." "And, you saw that man murdered?" "I seen him dead, afther having been murdhered." "Very right I stand corrected. Well, you saw him buried?"

The air, despite the cloudiness, was bitter cold; and he wore a heavy sheepskin coat with the wool turned in, and long gauntlets reaching half-way to his elbows. A broad leather belt held the heavy coat in place, and attached to it was a thin sheath from which protruded the stout handle of a hunting-knife.

She carried with her half a dozen balls of flax, each the size of her head. These had been soaked in oil and turpentine, and to each a stout cord about two feet long was attached.