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"'I have felt in me the power to make you share this conviction, he protested, ardently. He had forgotten himself; he made a step towards her perhaps he stumbled. To me he seemed to be stooping low as if to touch the hem of her garment. And then the appropriate gesture came. She snatched her skirt away from his polluting contact and averted her head with an upward tilt.

And all the way to the hotel in the Piazza di Spagna Stefanone had followed him at a distance, watching the great loose-jointed frame and the slightly stooping head, till the Scotchman disappeared under the archway, past the porter, who stood aside, his gold-laced cap in his hand, bowing low to the 'English lord. Stefanone waited a few moments and then accosted the porter civilly.

Now I do not know whether or not this was all planned to distract the matron's attention, but I did know that it was my opportunity. My particular woman's hand dropped from her lap down by her side. I stooped to pick up my bundle. From my stooping position I slipped the letter into her hand, and received another in exchange.

"I can feel only sorrow," says Roger, very sadly. "And I have no power." Dulce's wretched fingers are getting absolutely benumbed in the cold water, yet she seems to feel nothing. Roger, however, stooping over her, lifts the silly little hand and dries it very tenderly, and holds it fast between both his own; doubtless only with the intention of restoring some heat to it.

Cook, really you must consider our feelings and return with us." "I guess I can't help myself," said Cook grimly. "It does look a little that way, don't it?" Cook shook his head as he arose to his feet, and stooping over his dead horse unloosed the girth and drew off the saddle, nor did he make any objection when Chip secured his revolver and ammunition belt.

The boy gave one glance at the blue heavens and the blinking stars; then, stooping, he picked up the dog and held him in his arms. He stood there like a statue, a magnificent symbol of calm in the midst of all this confusion. With the ice still gliding upward, holding his breath, as if in fear that the very force of it might send the hundreds of tons crashing to the abyss below.

"Look! look! mother, there comes old Aunt Judy!" said Alfred, as an old colored woman came slowly up the gravel walk that led to the handsome residence of Mr. Ford, of Indiana. The tottering step, the stooping back, and glassy eye, betokened extreme age and infirmity.

Stooping down, I picked up the black pebble you now hold, guided to it by that crystal eye in the center from which the light flashes so brilliantly." "Why, thou simple one," cried the priest, "this is no common stone, but a gem of the purest water. Come, show me where thou didst find it."

Frank went to the fo'castle hatch, and stooping down saw the captain apply the fire to a great heap of bedding. "That will do, Hawkins," he said. "Come up at once with the men, or you will be suffocated down there." They ran up on deck, and a minute later a volume of flame burst out through the hatch. Frank went to the guns, and lighting two matches gave one to Hawkins.

You saw me try to draw this morning; you might be quiet about it, I think, par pitie! If I ever had any talent which is not likely, or I should have had some notices of my pictures by this time it is all dead and done for. And turning quite away from him, she buried her face in the cushion. 'Look here, he said to her, smiling and stooping, 'shall I tell you something? I forgot it till now.