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Faversham had asked uncomfortably whether there were not some other room in a less conspicuous part of the house to which he might be transferred, the once dismantled drawing-room being now wanted to house the fine things that were constantly coming to light. Mrs. Dixon shook her head. All the available rooms were still full of what she called "stoof." And then she had abruptly left him.

It must bon down, squire, eh?" "Yes, my man, nothing could save the place now." "Ay, moother, and my Sunday clothes," said the wheelwright with a bitter laugh. "And my best frock." "Ay, and my tools, and a bit o' mooney I'd saved, and all my stoof. Eh, but I'm about ruined, moother, and just when I was going to get on and do the bit o' work for the dreern folk."

But now they tumbled out all headlong, pigs below and pigs above, pigs point-blank and pigs across, pigs courant and pigs rampant, but all alike prepared to eat, and all in good cadence squeaking. "Tak smarl boocket, and bale un out; wad 'e waste sich stoof as thic here be?"

If I smoked 'bacco some night I should set my plaace afire, 'stead o' just rolling up a bit o' stoof and clapping it in my mooth." "I don't know what you mean, Dave," cried Dick. "Then I'll tell'ee, lad. Some un got smoking his pipe in one of they stables, and set it afire." "No, no; some one must have set fire to the stacks." "Nay!" cried Dave, staring in the lad's face with his jaw dropped.

"Would it be possible," he asked of the abashed and self-conscious labourer, "would it be possible for the body to have worked its way down into the soft mud as you have described it to have been found?" "We-el," said the witness, "'twas in the stacky mooad, 'twas through the sarft stoof." "But this soft mud would suck any solid body down, would it not?" persisted the Coroner.

'Tak smarl boocket, and bale un out; wad 'e waste sich stoof as thic here be? So Betty set me to feed the pigs, while she held the lanthorn; and knowing what she was, I saw that she would not tell me another word until all the pigs were served.

He turned to the window ledge by the stable door where, among a confusion of cobwebs and dusty bottles and tin cans, the drench of turpentine and linseed oil, the little phial of chlorodyne, and the clean tin pannikin with its wide protruding mouth, stood ready, all gleaming in the lantern light, forgotten since the day before. "Thot's the stoof. Will yo halp me give it 'er, doctor?" "All right.

And then an important question had been asked by an intelligent farmer who had long been a tenant on the property; 'Fill un oop; eh, eh; sooner said than doone, squoire. Where be the stoof to come from? The squire, therefore, had given up that idea, and instead of abolishing his moat had made it prettier than ever.

It'd sarve yo right ef Daaisy 'd lat yo coom hoam oopside down wi yore 'ead draggin' in t' road. Soom daay yo'll bae laayin' there with yore nack brawken. "Ay, yo may well scootle oonder t' sheets, though there's nawbody but mae t' look at yo. Yo'd navver tooch anoother drap o' thot felthy stoof, Jimmy, ef yo could sea yoreself what a sight yo bae.

Well, sir, that barrel lay there for a good ten days; and then one day up drifted a Dutchman with a brogue on him thick enough to plant flag-poles in. 'How mooch, says he 'is dot stoof? 'What stuff? says I. 'Dot stoof oudt behind. 'I ain't got no stuff out behind! What's eating you? says I. Then he points out that spoiled beef. 'Good Lord! says I, 'help yourself.