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So far as our tale is concerned, we have only to relate the fate of Balmawhapple, who, mounted on a horse as headstrong and stiff-necked as his rider, pursued the flight of the dragoons above four miles from the field of battle, when some dozen of the fugitives took heart of grace, turned round, and cleaving his skull with their broadswords, satisfied the world that the unfortunate gentleman had actually brains, the end of his life thus giving proof of a fact greatly doubted during its progress.

"Why, what a plague did they want by laying hands on our anointed pate?" "Ah! look you," said Charles, in his languid drawl, "We did but beg a cup of cider from his daughter. James hath a long face and a dull tongue for a boy of his age; but I warrant I spoke the wench fair for my part; and in French that had passed muster at Versailles. But 'tis a perverse and stiff-necked generation.

"We'll have to see about that," said I; "I'm stiff-necked when I like." "Ye muckle ass!" cried Stewart, "it's James they want; James has got to hang Alan too, if they could catch him but James whatever! Go near the Advocate with any such business, and you'll see! he'll find a way to muzzle ye." "I think better of the Advocate than that," said I. "The Advocate be damned!" cries he.

If any compulsion be in or about ecclesiastical matters, it is adventitious from without, to wit, from the help and assistance of the magistrate, not from the nature of ecclesiastical power, from which it is very heterogeneous; and, therefore, if any suspended or excommunicate person should be found who shall be so stiff-necked, and so impudent, that at once he cast off all shame, and make no account at all of those censures, but scorn and contemn the same, or peradventure shall insolently or proudly obtrude himself upon the sacrament, or being also filled with devilish malice do more and more contradict and blaspheme, the ecclesiastical ministry in such cases hath nothing more to do by way of jurisdiction: but the magistrate hath in readiness a compelling jurisdiction and external force, whereby such stubborn, rebellious, and undaunted pride may be externally repressed.

Of course I can. He'll never be able to get his nose in here if once an order has been given for his exclusion. Who's Mr. Annesley? I don't suppose he knows an Englishman in Brussels." "But she will go out to meet him." "What! in the streets?" said Sir Magnus, in horror. "I fear she would." "By George! she must be a stiff-necked one if she'll do that." Then Mrs.

In the afternoon, however, they were together; and then Phineas Beckard came in to tea on Sundays, and he and Aaron got to talking on religion; and though they disagreed pretty much, and would not give an inch either one or the other, nevertheless the minister told the widow, and Hetta too probably, that the lad had good stuff in him, though he was so stiff-necked.

What he wanted was to be fair, to give what was due and to receive what was HIS due.... He could not be swayed by mawkish sentimental sympathy, nor could he be bullied. Perhaps he was stiff-necked, but he was a man who must judge of the right or wrong of a condition himself. Perhaps he was too much that way, but his experiences had made him so.

And when at last they had conquered the churlish old man's hardness of heart and stiff-necked malice, they drove him to a strange bargain.

All these indicate an ease and profuseness of living which little accord with our notions of the word "peasant". Wimpfeling writes: "The peasants in our district and in many parts of Germany have become, through their riches, stiff-necked and ease-loving.

Now I'm inoculated I don't care!" Sam proceeded to higher flights of wit. The other men stared. This was a new aspect of the stiff-necked young teamster they had known. They did not relish it overmuch. None of them dared talk back to Bela in just this strain. Meanwhile Bela scorned Sam outrageously. Beneath it he perceived subtle encouragement.