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And the sentimental face he pulled he ought to have had a spot-light and wailing woodwinds." McLean chuckled. "I'll believe anything of him now," Ryder rushed on. "I'll bet he murdered Delcassé and kidnapped the mother and now he is selling their daughter " "I fancy murder's a bit beyond our Tewfick. That's too thick. He's probably telling the truth there he may never have known Delcassé.

Nan dropped her lamp with a little scream of ecstasy, and of course the light went out. But she had the long box clasped in her arms. She could not wait to get home with it, but tumbled off the stool and sat down upon it, picked up the torch, held it so the round spot-light gave her illumination, and untied the string. Off came the cover. She peeped within.

In order to throw a spot-light on the most recent transactions in the London wild-birds'-plumage market, and to furnish a clear idea of what is to-day going on in London, Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam, I will set out in some detail the report of an agent whom I engaged to ascertain the London dealings in the plumage of wild birds that were killed especially to furnish that plumage.

"Youse'll pardon me if I keeps de spot-light on youse," drawled Larry the Bat, "Some of youse dicks ain't trustworthy." "Look here!" Meighan burst out. "This is a hell of a note! What " "Youse shut yer face!" Jimmie Dale's voice had grown suddenly cold and menacing the stairs were creaking again, this time under a quick tread. "Listen!

Teasingly she jumped up and walked to the door with him, and stood there peering out beyond the cool shadow of his dark-blue shoulder into the dazzling road where, like so many figures thrust forth all unwittingly into the merciless flare of a spot-light, little shabby Eve Edgarton and three sweating horses waited squintingly in the dust. "Oh!" cried Miss Von Eaton.

At the bottom Amber stopped. "Hold on!" he cried. Labertouche pulled up impatiently. "What's the matter?" "Sophia !" "Trust me, dear boy, and come along." Persuaded, Amber gave in, blundering on after Labertouche, who loped along easily, with the confidence of one who threads known ways, the spot-light from his lamp dancing along the floor several feet before him.

Dave found himself regarding the young woman immediately before him; all in white she was, with some scintillating material that sparkled in the glare of the spot-light; then suddenly she was in orange, and pink, and purple, and mauve, and back again in white.

With this powerful spot-light to project its cone of dazzling brilliance upon the scene, the watchers on the railed platform of the superintendent's service-car saw every detail in the swift outworking of the tragic spectacle for which the hill-facing curve was the stage-setting.

"They like to slam their cards down on the table with a big hurrah, even when the cards ain't worth a damn." "He certainly held trumps this time, anyway," I commented. "And he played his hand superbly. He is an extraordinary man." "And a great actor," Grady supplemented. "Them fellers always behave like they was on the stage, right in the spot-light. It makes me a little tired, sometimes. Hello!

Skip went on the stand, reveling in his first experience of fame, basking in the spot-light like a cheap actor, and acting very badly, yet well enough for the groundlings he amused. Jim and Charity underwent a martyrdom of ridicule during his testimony.