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While this fact affords a reason for most scrupulous attention to every case of sore-throat in children, and this in proportion to the tender age of the child, needless alarm is sometimes caused by the appearance on the inflamed tonsils of numerous white specks, which are at once supposed to be diphtheritic.

My fever, cough, and sore-throat have all disappeared for the last four days. Many thanks for your intelligence about poor dear John's recovery, which has much exhilarated me. Yet I do not know whether illness to him is not rather a prerogative than an evil. I am sure that it is well worth while being sick to be nursed by a mother.

Emma was just describing the nature of her friend's complaint; "a throat very much inflamed, with a great deal of heat about her, a quick, low pulse, &c. and she was sorry to find from Mrs. Goddard that Harriet was liable to very bad sore-throats, and had often alarmed her with them." Mr. Elton looked all alarm on the occasion, as he exclaimed, "A sore-throat! I hope not infectious.

It is seldom traceable to any acute attack of sore-throat, but usually comes on imperceptibly in children who are feeble or out of health, or takes place slowly during the cutting of the first set of grinding teeth; the irritation which that produces being in some cases its only apparent exciting cause.

There is many another herb, dried by the careful Kathi between the two Lady Days, Mary's ascension and Mary's birthday, which may usefully be employed for man or beast mullein, a very amulet against every kind of cough and sore-throat; plantain, wormwood, red and white mugwort; nor are the scrapings of hartshorn bought from a mountain huntsman forgotten.

It was understood that he had been compelled to give up clerical duty by what is called clergyman's sore-throat. It was not known whether he had been vicar, rector, or curate, but he wore the usual white neck- band and a soft, low felt hat, he was clean-shaven, his letters were addressed 'Reverend, he was not bad-looking; and these vouchers were considered sufficient. Mrs.

The resemblance of German measles to scarlet fever is, however, extremely slight, and is almost entirely limited to the existence of a slight sore-throat, unaccompanied with glandular swelling. The rash in no respect resembles the uniform redness of the scarlatinal eruption, and there is no peeling of the skin, nor even any roughness of the surface left behind.

Very amusing she is too, and original; and a good deal of laughing she and Robert make between them. And this is nearly all we see of the Face Divine I can't make Robert go out a single evening. . . . We have five extracts for 1848. One of these, not otherwise dated, describes an attack of sore-throat which was fortunately Mr.

It may be as well, however, to mention here, that not every white speck seen at the back of the throat is of necessity due to diphtheria, but that in some cases of ordinary sore-throat white spots may form on the surface of the tonsils.

Scarcely had he begun when a sharp attack of lumbago fell upon him; for two or three days it was torture to support himself at the desk, and he moved about like a cripple. Upon this ensued headaches, sore-throat, general enfeeblement. All this notwithstanding, here was the novel at length finished.