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The horses are nearly foundered, and we may be miles and miles from our destination. What are you going to do?" "Ke'p goin' jest as long as the hosses ken ke'p foot to the ground. Guess we'll ease 'em at the bottom, here. It's nigh feed time. Say, ma'm, it ain't no use worritin'. We'll git som'eres sure. The sun's dead ahead." "What's the use of that?"

Straight to the pile of ore he came, unhooked the front of the tram, tripped it and piled the contents of the car on top of the dump which already rested there. With that, carbide pointing the way, he turned back, pushing the tram before him. Harry crept to his feet. "We 've got to follow!" he whispered. "It's a blind entrance to the tunnel som'eres."

"Where is Allie?" Gray inquired. "Lord knows! She's som'eres around bein' worked over by a couple of women. Gettin' her hair washed an' her finger nails cured an' I dunno what not. Mercy me! The things Miss Good had 'em do to her! An' the money we've spent! Allie's gone hog wild."

"He'd 'a' said, 'Hain't I seen you down Kennebunk way som'eres? And when I said, 'No, I'm from Leominster! or where-ever I was from if I was green, he'd say, 'Oh yes, so it was Leominster.

The emphasis was unmistakable. Nan waited almost breathlessly in a delicious condition of apprehension. "Wher's Nan?" Jeff's demand came sharply. "Som'eres around inside." "I came up to see her." "So?" "Yes." The lowing of the cattle in the pastures was dying with the deepening twilight. The calves seemed to have found their mothers and all was contentment. Nan glad of the growing shadows.

"So ye see," said the farmer a man named Nicholls despondently, "he's som'eres skulkin' around hyar." "Seems like it," acquiesced Scipio. Then, of a sudden, a suspicion flashed through the other's mind, and the man-hunter spent an uncomfortable few seconds. "Say, you're lookin' fer him?" the farmer questioned harshly. Then he leant forward, his eyes lighting with sudden anger.

"We're good an' pleased to see you " began Ralph, in his deliberate way; but Victor broke in upon him at once. "O' course you are. It's like you an' Nick there to feel that way. But human natur's human natur', an' maybe som'eres you are jest wonderin' what brought me along. Anyway, I come with a red-hot purpose. Gee! but it's blowin'. I ain't like to forget this storm."

So, before we get busy, I'll ast you, Sunny, to grab the grip under my bunk, an' you'll find in it, som'eres under the card decks, paper an' ink. You'll jest fix them right, an' take things down, so we don't make no sort o' mistake." He waited until Sunny had procured the necessary writing materials and set them out on the table. Then he went on in his strong, autocratic fashion.

Then she drew back, back, far into the dusk of the room. But she could not escape the voices. Bud's answer came slowly, deliberately. There was a curious note of emotion in it. "You sure aren't. No man is. Ther' ain't a feller on earth worthy my little Nan. But it's up to her. Guess she's around inside som'eres." There was the sound of swift footsteps on the veranda.

By this time we were driving on briskly toward the river-road. "You wa'n't smart, I reckon, to leave that there house. It was your one chance, hevin' got in. Ten chances to one she's hid away som'eres in one of them upper rooms," and he pointed to a row of dormer-windows, "not knowin' nothin' of your bein' there." "Stop!" I said with one foot on the shafts.