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Den de man 'gan ter beg fer mercy, an' tole his name. It was one of Cap'n Lane's own sogers. At dis moment Missy Roberta rush outen her room, cryin', 'Help! murder! Den we heared heaby steps rushing up de starway, an' tree ob Cap'n Lane's sogers dash for'ard.

Gen'rally her words are broken-like an' wild, an' I pays no heed to 'em; but tonight she talked wonderful clear, all about India at first, an' of a band playin', with sogers marchin' past. Then she spoke about some people called coolies. There was a lot about them, in lines an' tea gardens. An' she seemed to be speakin' to another Mrs. Fenley."

Wen you swoonded, Missy Mara cotch you in her arms. I eben run away, an lef my honey lam' mysef, but I come back sudden, an dar she was a hol'n you head in her lap right uner a big bildin dat ud a squashed her. I drag you pass dat, an den Marse Bodine jes ordered me an Missy to go to de squar. He spoke stern an strong as if we his sogers.

He was on a po'ful big hoss, an' he jes' break right through eb'ryting, an' was off wid de rest. De Linkum sogers followed on, firin' at 'em. "De missus fainted dead away, an' my moder held her in her arms. De head Linkum ossifer now rode up to de verandy an' took off his hat, an' he say: 'Ladies, I admire your co'age, but you should not 'spose yourselves so needlessly.

Everything was as silent as it should be, for I was ten feet and a half under the surface of the earth in the churchyard. Old Sogers was not far from me on one side, and that was a comfort; only there was a thick wall of earth between. But as the time went on, I began to get uncomfortable. I could not help thinking how long I should have to wait for the resurrection.

Missy S'wanee, she larf she was allus a-larfin' no matter what happen an' she says, 'I'se'll get eben wid him. Well, de cap'n goes an' speaks to de cunnel, an' de oder captured ossifers ob our sogers, an' dey bow to him, an' den dey comes up an' sits on de verandy, an' Missy Roberta goes out, and dey talk in low tones, an' I couldn't hear what dey say.

"Yes, but," said Reilly, "you know it's the custom of the country." "Mrs. Buckley," asked Fergus, "did the sogers ever pay you a visit?" "They did once," she replied, "about six months ago or more." "What in the name of wondher," he repeated, "could bring them to you?" "They were out huntin' a priest," she replied, "that had done something contrary to the law." "What did they say, Mrs.

"D the sogers!" cries the Moocher, moved by a sudden inspiration. "They can but shoot yer, and that's as good as dyin' of typhus anyway!" The right chord had been struck now, and with a stifled roar the prison admitted the truth of the sentiment. "Go on, old man!" cries Jemmy Vetch to the giant, rubbing his thin hands with eldritch glee. "They're all right!"

"Chunk," she whispered. "Dat's me, mistis." "You're a good, brave fellow. Now tell me quick don't waste a word where is Lieutenant Scoville?" "He's wid de pris'ners, en Perkins en sogers watchin' 'im." "Why is Perkins watching him?" the girl asked in deep alarm. "Dunno, Miss Lou, 'cept on 'count ob he gradge. Mad Whately en he talk knowin' like en den Perkins tek he lantern en jine de gyard.

"Read that," she said, slipping a piece of paper into my hand, as we arrived at the door of the shed; "I bless God I am rid o't. Between sogers and Saxons, and caterans and cattle-lifters, and hership and bluidshed, an honest woman wad live quieter in hell than on the Hieland line." So saying, she put the pine-torch into my hand, and returned into the house,