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"Now, Farmer Nicholas Snowe," I said, scarce knowing how to begin it, "you must promise not to be vexed with me, for what I am going to say to you." "Vaxed wi' thee! Noo, noo, my lad. I 'ave a knowed thee too long for that. And thy veyther were my best friend, afore thee. Never wronged his neighbours, never spak an unkind word, never had no maneness in him.

There is no inconsistency in this. Women before now have hidden a soul like a furnace under coldness and unpleasantness, and smothered shrieking nerves under an appearance of apathy. Lucy Snowe is one of them. As far as she goes, Lucy at Bretton is profoundly consistent with Lucy in Villette.

They sounded all right, I thought, and bore the safe sanction of custom, and the well- worn stamp of use. "Miss Snowe," recommenced Dr. John my health, nervous system included, being now, somewhat to my relief, discussed and done with "is it permitted me to ask what your religion is? Are you a Catholic?" I looked up in some surprise "A Catholic? No! Why suggest such an idea?"

When the frost and snowe is great, they heate their houses in maner before said, and wil by letting in the water or opening the windowes, at an instant, temper the heate and cold at their pleasure.

What a simpleton you must have been not to tell me long ago. I would have made Lorna wild about you, long before this time, Johnny. But now you go into the parlour, dear, while I do your collop. Faith Snowe is not come, but Polly and Sally. Sally has made up her mind to conquer you this very blessed evening, John. Only look what a thing of a scarf she has on; I should be quite ashamed to wear it.

At three in the afternoone the winde came to the Southwest, we were forced to make our shippe faste to a piece of yce, for we were inclosed with it, and taried the Lordes leasure. This night we had 97. fathoms. The 12. day the wind was at the Southeast not very much but in a maner calme: at a 11. of the clocke the winde came to the West Southwest: all the day was very darke with snowe and fogge.

I had other reason for being vexed with Farmer Nicholas just now, viz. that I had heard a rumour, after church one Sunday when most of all we sorrow over the sins of one another that Master Nicholas Snowe had been seen to gaze tenderly at my mother, during a passage of the sermon, wherein the parson spoke well and warmly about the duty of Christian love.

"Papa, they are not letters to send to the post in your letter-bag; they are only notes, which I give now and then into the person's hands, just to satisfy." "The person! That means Miss Snowe, I suppose?" "No, papa not Lucy." "Who then? Perhaps Mrs. Bretton?" "No, papa not Mrs. Bretton." "Who, then, my little daughter? Tell papa the truth."

'Pack of cowards! said Uncle Reuben, looking first at the door, however; 'much chance I see of getting redress from the valour of this Exmoor! And you, Master Snowe, the very man whom I looked to to raise the country, and take the lead as churchwarden why, my youngest shopman would match his ell against you.

"Coortin' of thy mother, lad?" cried Farmer Snowe, with as much amazement as if the thing were impossible; "why, who ever hath been dooin' of it?" "Yes, courting of my mother, sir. And you know best who comes doing it." "Wull, wull! What will boys be up to next? Zhud a' thought herzelf wor the proper judge. No thank 'ee, lad, no need of thy light.