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Directed by Shiner, the churchwarden, she proceeded to the small aisle on the north side of the chancel, a spot now allotted to a throng of Sunday-school girls, and distinctly visible from the gallery-front by looking under the curve of the furthermost arch on that side.

Now, England affords him small opportunity in this respect; to get himself into a scrape requires a good deal of persistence on the part of the young Englishman. I spoke on this subject one day with our senior churchwarden. It was the morning of the 10th of November, and we were both of us glancing, somewhat anxiously, through the police reports.

Richard Hoby, youngest brother of Sir Philip, as churchwarden in 1602, and a monument, much dilapidated, is to be seen in the chancel of Badsey Church, erected to the memory of his wife and that of her first husband by Margaret Newman, their daughter, who married Richard Delabere of Southam, Warwickshire, in 1608.

"Pack of cowards!" said Uncle Reuben, looking first at the door, however; "much chance I see of getting redress from the valour of this Exmoor! And you, Master Snowe, the very man whom I looked to to raise the country, and take the lead as churchwarden why, my youngest shopman would match his ell against you.

Lightowler; 'quite 'ad to press him to step in and do the garden up a bit. You and your gander! Mabel had already escaped; Mark remained trying to persuade his uncle to come away before the matter ceased to be farcical. 'I shall take this matter up, sir! I shall take it up! said Mr. Humpage, in a white rage; 'and I don't think it will do you credit as a churchwarden, let me tell you!

The first impulse of the actress who was engaged in studying a new role in her library was not to receive her importunate visitor; but a sudden idea changed her determination, and she gave the order to admit him. "This is the first time that I have had the high favor of being admitted to this sanctuary," said the churchwarden, kissing with ardor the hand that the actress extended to him.

Augustus Cracklethorpe to live and die the pastor of St. Jude's. A more solemn-looking, sober congregation than the congregation that emerged that Sunday morning from St. Jude's in Wychwood-on-the-Heath had never, perhaps, passed out of a church door. "He'll have more time upon his hands," said Mr. Biles, retired wholesale ironmonger and junior churchwarden, to Mrs.

The bookworm, the Colonel, the historian, the Vice-president, the churchwarden, the two curates, the gentleman-tradesman, the sentimental member, the crimson maltster, the quiet gentleman, the man of family, the Spark, and several others, quite agreed, and begged that he would recall something of the kind.

Crood, who was smoking a long churchwarden pipe, took its stem from his lips, and waved it in the air with an expressive motion. "Well, well!" he said soothingly. "There might ha' been a little of something of that sort, you know, Mr. Brent, but in a purely political sense, sir, an entirely political sense only. No personal feeling, you know, sir. I'm sure Mr.

'Theer, theer! said Samson, with the same heavy and threatening tranquillity he had borne throughout the interview. 'Tek her upstairs. He sat down again, and without another word filled and lit his churchwarden, and stared through the smoke-wreaths at the grate. Mrs.