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The faculties we use become strong, and those we fail to use are taken away from us. This exercise of our powers through which growth is attained affords the finest gratification that mortals know. To think, reason, weigh, sift, decide and act this is life. It means health, sanity and length of days. Those live longest who live most.

Let get light brown in the oven. Serve with wine sauce. Hungarian Spice Cakes. Sift 1 pound of flour; beat the yolks of 4 eggs with 1 pound of sugar; add 1/2 ounce cinnamon, 1/2 ounce of ginger, 1/4 teaspoonful of cloves, some grated lemon peel and a pinch of salt. Make all into a dough and roll into small cakes about an inch in diameter.

Of course, she did not sift her suspicions. Who does at such moments? "Come away at once, and leave it," she said, "or I shall go." At that moment the croupier raked it all up, and carried it all away; but Alice did not see that this had been done. A hand had been placed on her shoulder, and as she turned round her face her eyes met those of Mr Palliser. "It is all gone," said Glencora, laughing.

"Then why not do so and by restoring Mary Louise to her grandfather make them both happy?" Irene sat silent, trapped. "This is why I have come to you," continued Agatha, very seriously. "I am employed by those whose identity I must not disclose to sift this mystery of Colonel Weatherby to the bottom, if possible, and then to fix the guilt where it belongs.

To what a degree does this ridiculous diversion molest the soul, when all her faculties are summoned together upon this trivial account! and how fair an opportunity she herein gives every one to know and to make a right judgment of himself? I do not more thoroughly sift myself in any other posture than this: what passion are we exempted from in it?

Well, when a man's starving he sees the ghost of every meal he ever ate set out before him, and he invents new dishes that would make the fortune of a chef. If somebody would collect the last words of men who starved to death, they'd have to sift 'em mighty fine to discover the sentiment, but they'd compile into a cook book that would sell into the millions.

Sift together flour, sugar, salt and powder; add rice free from lumps, diluted with beaten egg and milk; mix into smooth batter. Have griddle well heated, make cakes large, bake nicely brown, and serve with maple syrup. Twelve large potatoes, three heaping tablespoonfuls of flour, one teaspoonful of baking powder, one-half teaspoonful salt, one or two eggs, two teacupfuls of boiling milk.

There might be "pay dirt" in all directions, but a man might scratch and sift until he starved and not get more than enough to buy him a new hat. They had been through all that sort of experience, and their heads were not to be turned by it. Still, it was decided to try that level again some day, and the whole cañon, at a time of the year when water was to be had.

Snow used to sift in through 'em on my bed when I was a kid." Lydia, lying on her stomach on the couch, turning the leaves of "Tom Sawyer," looked up with sudden interest. "Daddy, let's go back there to live. I'd love to live in a house with loopholes." The two men laughed. "You should have been a boy, Lydia," said Amos.

The addition of white flour makes the particles of corn meal adhere, so that most persons consider that white flour improves the consistency. 3/4 c. yellow corn meal 1-1/4 c. flour 1/4 c. sugar 3/4 tsp. salt 4 tsp. baking powder 1 c. milk 1 egg 2 Tb. melted fat Mix and sift the corn meal, flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder. Add the milk and well-beaten egg, and then stir in the melted fat.